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  • deftonesaresuper

Hello! (Blog 1)

Hello, I'm Simon! This is the first blog for my website, that I am writing without a website, yet. 'Blog' and 'website'. Standard words everyone knows, so what makes me stand out and worth your time? I was thinking about this, as I spent over two hours (alright, three hours) trying to work out how to update my browser, so I could make my page. I say 'trying to work out', but what I was really doing, was doing the same things over and over. Sound dumb? Maybe, but then again, that could be my unique angle, already solving my first problem. Dumb posts, and dumb comedy might make me new. I'm not a brain surgeon, or a rocket scientist, so do I need to be clever? Nope. I just need to be entertaining.

'But Simon, doing the same thing over and over isn't just dumb, it's completely pointless'. Is it though? Let me explain. When I was 14, half a lifetime ago, and before there was Youtube, I was surfing Yngwie Malmsteen's homepage, ultra-keen to hear his music. I tried to download a short song segment of his, dozens of times, but an error message kept coming up, saying, 'you don't have MP3 technology', or whatever it was. Eventually me doing the same thing on and on worked, however. I defied computer technology and all reason, and played an MP3 file, even though I didn't have the software to do so. As you can understand, this gave me an extraordinary high. Not only did I hear an exotic, mysterious artist, (at the time, anyway), I gave two fingers up to the system and was rewarded for my perseverance. 14 years later, I'm still trying to chase the same feeling. Tragically, not once have I ever been able to do so. However, I'm an idealist, and therefore I may never stop.

'Simon, it sounds like you've had a shit waste of a day'. Yeah. I have. I'm not going to sugarcoat it. 'Has there been any good in it?' Na. Even the music I was listening to as I tried to solve what felt like nightmarish rubik's cube kind of sucked. 'Load' by Metallica really is dull, for the most part. Sometimes music grows on you, but that album never did on me. I'm assuming it never will. After my techno-dabbling, I had a burger and chips, and watched some Youtube videos. Am I boring you? I fucking should be. Soon after, I went to the gym, as I waited for my brother to come home from work, visit the house I share with my demented dad, and save the day, with his computer skills. Was the gym interesting? Hm. I wouldn't call trying not to antagonise well built sociopaths, and pedaling on a hiking machine interesting, but the latter did make me feel good in the end. Then after the exercise... I went home. :O ..... and success, followed!! :O :O

Yes, as my brother came, mid blog writing, he did the exact same things I did, to try and solve the problem. It turns out I wasn't being stupid, as there was nothing I could have done. I needed an update of my Mac, that apparently couldn't be found online. What a relief. And not only that; an album by Pearl Jam, that I was previously indifferent to, finally grew on me. 'Vs' is pretty good, really, so that's something, too. I'll never like it as much as 'Ten', but that's one of my favourite records of all time. 'Stop' being greedy', I tell myself. 'Your CD collection is already epic'. I will be going to a PC shop, tomorrow, to try and get the needed software. Great times. Well, not really. Byeeeee.

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