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  • deftonesaresuper

OAP Computer Problems (Blog 2)

Hello, again! Not even the local computer shop, I visitied can help me with updating Safari, so for now I'm stuck. Apparently, I need to contact Apple. My thinking was that computer stores were familiar with the Apple brand, as Apple make computers, too, but I guess not. The whole morning felt like I was on some kind of grand quest, where I travelled the commercial lands in search of information, whilst wasting petrol and impulse buying higher end chocolate. Well, it seemed like impulse purchasing as I wandered through the infamous Staines ghetto, made famous by Ali G, but maybe deep down, I have a strong psychological need for the food.

People think eating chocolate is wussy, but I don't get that. Eating chocolate is hardcore and punk! When you eat a huge bar, you're sending out the message, 'I know I'm going to get diabetes, but I don't give a fuck'. Same goes for milkshakes. I love a good milkshake, I get a large one every week, and slurp, as others tut in disapproval. 'Look at that rebel without a cause walking around the place, like he's Sid Viscous. Milkshakes will only lead to harder stuff. Like jelly babies,' they say, ignorantly. It's an interesting thought, though; maybe one day, I will get so tolerant of my unhealthy diet, I will resort to eating products that are little more than blocks of concentrated sugar.

So yeah, I can't build my website, yet, but what I can do is self-publish my two books... Except I can't, because my first work 'The Danger of Proverbs', has loads of Tesco's references in it. That alone is bad enough, but what makes matters worse, was the fact I accused them of playing a huge role in ending the world. If I don't change all that, I'm getting sued to death. Damn terms and conditions at self-publishing website spoiling my day, and stifling my creative freedom. Somewhat troubled by the terms, I later began maintaining my lawfulness, by doing some editing. Did I listen to any music, today? You bet I did. 'Portamento' by The Drums (awesome), and 'You'd prefer an Astronaut', by Hum. (Super awesome).

Tomorrow, I'll be giving my currently ultra controversial manuscript one, hopefully final read through. I'm not sure if I'll need to blog about that; I read the same way as everyone else. I don't know the exact science about it, but I do know the basics - light goes into your eyes, not the other way round. Back in school remembering that seemed to be particularly important. 'You're not superman', the teacher would say. No shit. Saying that once or twice, may have been totally harmless, but the excessive amount of times she insisted on saying that, could have been indicative of some serious, and untreated delusional disorder. It was almost as if she had an obsessive need to tell herself, that. As in, 'these people are not supermen, these people are not supermen. The thoughts will go away, the thoughts will go away...' That kind of stuff.

Staying on the subject of school, I remember one of the first things I ever learnt, was 'don't start a sentence with the word 'and''. But now I've left school, and I can do what the hell I want. That's all I have to say, today. And probably tomorrow. Byee!

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