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  • deftonesaresuper

Please Don't Sue (Blog 3)

Well, editing my book took a lot longer than expected, as I never realised how many product/celebrity references were in there. Like poor Tesco's, I accused Smashing Pumpkins of playing a role in a future apocalypse, but I wasn't really sure that would be defamation. In my opinion, they could do with a tougher image. They call themselves a rock band, but their music is kind of girlie a lot of the time. But it's good to be safe and law abiding. Can you believe I got someone to check my book (admittedly for free), and he never told me to lose all the pop culture stuff? I was thinking if I ever got sued, I could blame him. What he did was a time consuming act of kindness, but what's kind about getting me in trouble? So, yeah, if the worst comes to the worst, that guy's ending up in jail. Sorry. My book also needed many paragraph structure improvements, and stuff like that. Some of my descriptions had flaws, and various objects randomly appeared out of nowhere, etc. Nothing major needed fixing, but it was quite a lot of work.

What else have I been doing over the last five days? I've kind of just been working on my book, to be honest. However, I have been thinking... Aren't we living in strange times? People keep going on about Donald Trump, but there's tons of other crazy stuff going on in the world. Spam, for example. Did you know spam could be malicious? Twenty years ago, I never would have dreamed spam could be malicious. When did spam suddenly become full of hate? It seems the hunter has become the hunted. I've also been thinking about Oreo Thins, the new product. Am I supposed to be excited? Wow, it's exactly the same thing, but thinner! What I've always wanted! All the hype about it kind of gives the impression, that this is all society will ever get, that's new. We've just advanced too far, and everything has been done, apart from thinning biscuits. Hooray.

I've also been watching Youtube videos. There's this guy on there, who plays a whole load of Yngwie Malmsteen covers NOTE FOR NOTE, quintuplets, sextuplets, heptuplets and all. Have you ever heard an Yngwie Malmsteen solo?? In half a minute, you will hear literally hundreds of scalic notes, and every monotonous lead part sounds exactly the same! It's the equivalent of a mathematician spending his whole life saying to himself '12, 24, 36, 48', etc., and never stopping. It may even be impressive BUT NO ONE CARES. So that's another thought I've had. About Yngwie Malmsteen, himself; stop releasing music, your new stuff sucks.... Which leads me on to my next topic, that you may have been expecting... What music have I been listening to, (enjoying, and not watching) lately?... Well.... Led Zeppelin. They're great, aren't they? Not all of their songs sound the same, which is refreshing. I'm particularly fond of 'Achilles last Stand'. Not funny, but true... Actually, let's just check the lyrics to it... Nope, nothing funny, there. The guitar solo's kind of amusing, though. Jimmy Page is not one to give a fuck, if he makes a mistake, or two, that's for sure. Sound like I'm scraping the barrel? I am! But I've done over five hundred words, now, so I'm done. Au revoir!

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