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  • deftonesaresuper

My Comedy Competition! (Blog 41)

Okey dokey, I’ve been running a small comedy video competition on my Facebook fan page, The Unsubscribe Tribe. There, I asked if anyone wanted me to blog about who I judged to be the winner, and one person said ‘yes’. Well, as this month’s contest is now over, the time has come to listen to the fans (ok, fan). First of all, I guess I should describe what actually happens in the winning video. There is a man playing a real life computer game, (or perhaps a game with exceptional graphics) where he is controlling another man. (Nope, not a character). The game is set on medium difficulty, and the person being controlled, walks up to a gangster and punches him. (Yeah, if you really want to attack a gangster, put a bandana around a disliked relative and punch him. Much safer). The unlikely victim then gives the control-ee all of his money. Sounds like an easy game, right? Exactly. Annoyed, the player changes the difficulty to hard, the only other difficulty that is more challenging.

The game has started over, and again, the control-ee walks up to the mobster and tries to wallop him. He fails. The latter not happy, beats the ‘aggressor’ with a baseball bat whilst quite rightly mocking his sense of judgement. Why is that so hilarious? Good point, my description isn't anywhere near as good as the visuals. The acting made the video, which is why you should totally check it out for yourself, and not take my word for it. Here’s the author’s page. Search for ‘When Medium is too Easy, But Hard is too Hard’.

So, you’ve seen the sketch and you’re impressed. Maybe you cried a little. Consequently, you’re outraged I don’t have the resources to give the victors a prize. That’s where you’re wrong… Check out my special thumbs up, that I drew for the comedic team. (Below). It’s not only very stylish, but it’s really easy to print off and hang on a wall, or attach it to a CV. ‘Hey… Hang on… Why are you running a competition on your fan page?’ Ah, you noticed in the end. Publicity! ‘Oh’. Yeah, makes sense now, doesn’t it?

Oh, aren’t I Mister Forgetful. I bet you’re wondering who the winning entry called themselves. ‘Ameratron’ is the name of the group. I’m assuming that’s a hybrid word, combining America with tron. What is a tron anyway? As in the Megadeth song, ‘psychotron’. Dunno what that’s about either. It’s good, though. Oh, I’ve progressed to Mister Senile, I've just realised that Ameratron appears in the congratulatory picture I drew, so I didn’t have to mention the pseudonym. Am I losing my reasoning abilities, or am I just trying to find things to write about? Only I know. I’ll tell you one thing, it’s impossible for me to go truly mental as I really am on some top notch medication. Yep, possible Alzheimer’s apparently, but never any hallucinations! :D Always look on the bright side of life, and all that. Unless you’re blind. In that case, always listen to sweet music, or something I guess? Maybe that could be a new phrase for you. Hang on, if you’re blind how are you reading this? :S

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