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  • deftonesaresuper

Comedy Competition Part 2 (Blog 43)

It’s me, again! So, the second comedy competition I’ve been running has finished, and once again I’ve promised to write a blog about the winners. Who are they? A team called ‘Bronco Land’, and their victorious video is named ’Lizard People Exposed’. It sort of reminds me of the (now very) old radio stations in GTA 3, which I used to love. They were actually kind of my main motivation for playing the game. (Yep, even more so than going on those mental sprees with tanks and rocket launchers, etc. and acting like let’s be frank, a real dick). I just loved hearing all those dumb adverts and crazy people ranting, and in particular I liked Lazlow’s radio presenting. So much so, that I had to record that stuff onto minidisk.

Anyway, about Bronco Land and THEIR crazed humour; is the word ‘truth’ amusing? I never though it was, at least until very recently. The way the actor in his video says it is hilarious, which is pretty impressive, really. ’Truth, truth, truth….’ How’s that funny? No logic at all there, is there? Same goes for words like ‘exposed’. So what’s the video actually about? Ah. How should I put this without me sounding somewhat demented? (Watch the video, and you’ll know what I mean). Well, I guess that I don’t have to describe ALL the video, I can just give a brief summary. Basically, the clue’s in the title ‘Lizard People Exposed’. Pretty self explanatory.

Right, that’s all the Broncos are getting from me, they brought it on themselves. ‘Lizard jizz’ this, ‘lizard jizz’, that. My word. Really, they should be happy with those two paragraphs, because they’re making me sound somewhat strange as well. (Yep, strange and demented). Am I strange and demented for liking the thing, though? Decide for yourself by watching it. Here you go…

Good isn’t it? (Yes, I got there in the end. Should I have posted the link sooner? Maybe). Alright, NOW that’s all BL are getting from me. So let’s talk about moi. Oh, if only I had something positive to write about. Basically Christmas is fucked. I hate to sound crude, but that word does some up my displeasure quite nicely. I’ve been looking forward to it for ages, but I’ve recently found out I’ll be spending the day alone with my dad. (My brother has managed to escape). I don’t mean to sound overly dramatic, but it will be hell on Earth. I really don’t know what I’m going to do for the whole day. Merry Christmas my bum.

Having said that, I will be expanding my CD collection quite dramatically. I ordered myself some festive Tony Macalpine stuff and some other instrumental rock albums. More albums in general, in fact, got some Judas Priest too, etc. But at the end of the day, I’m too depressed to care. I always wondered how anybody in their right mind could possibly hate the most wonderful day of the year, and now I know. That’s something, isn’t it. Curiosity satisfied. Even so, I shall be researching legal and humane kidnapping methods. If my brother thinks he’s getting away without a fight, he’s very much mistaken. And…….. Byeeeeeeee. >:(

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