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  • deftonesaresuper

Hmm! (Blog 49)

3/1/2018: A day that will go down in history. The day I cycled through ALL green lights on my route to the gym, Chobham Common and back. Annoyingly I’m writing this on my 49th blog, not my 50th, which will be my special blog. :( How cool it would have been to celebrate my 50th entry with such exciting news. And… Just two days after that slightly shorter than average journey, I did some more reviewing for, and guess what bands my boss gave me to review? Ixion (ok, I’ve never heard of them) and Orphaned Land! They’re pretty famous. I’ve reviewed a famous band! That was nice. Better yet, once the review was also posted on Facebook, one of the band members hearted my post. Pretty sweet. Although he would like it, as I gave his album 4.5 out of 5. He probably would have liked it, even if my review was a load of gibberish. Having said that, I’ve just had another look at the review, and I did actually screw up a little on it. Whoops.

Two bits of great news, in two days? Well, I’m going for the hat trick. If you’ve read blog 44, you’ll know that my brother missed out on Christmas and the festivities, and if you’ve read blog 46 you’ll know that consequently Christmas has been moved for him. More importantly, I’ll be getting another Yuleday with him. Even though I’ve already opened most of my presents, I never opened my brother’s so that’s something to look forward to. The whole event will be a re-Christmas, if you will. So, when does Jesus get a double birthday? Later on, today! It seems I will have some blogging to do afterwards, but right now, all I can do is talk about what might happen. But that could be good… Actually, no it won’t it will be rubbish and a waste of time. Instead, and before I go to the gym once again to get high on life and physical suffering, I think I’ll be listening to ‘Meteora’ by Linkin Park. Then I’ll write about that. I not long ago bought the album for just £1 at a charity shop. Someone just gave it away?? Nut job.

Mmm, that’s some good stuff. It’s kind of like boy band metal… In a way. It’s quite a bizarre style of music, when you think about it. The singing and the poppy rapping is very commercial, but it works, though. Is there anything funny about it? Errr…. I don’t think so, but unless the band’s intention is to be comedic that’s for the best, really isn’t it? Few bands want to be laughed at. After that reasonable effort at coming up with material, let’s move on and try and come up with some jokes. I’ll just get my dictionary to help me with my plays on words that I like to do. (I’ve written tons of puns looking at random words and trying to spot funny dual meanings, etc.) Alright, here we go, I just read the word ‘fabricate’. You can split the word into ‘fabric’ and ‘ate’ can’t you? Let’s make something amusing with that… ‘Why are people who eat cloth liars? Because they fabricate’. That’s how jokes get made, ladies and gentlemen. (Actually I’ve just realised that’s my third joke about the material, now, so I won’t post that onto my site. I guess my dictionary keeps opening on the same page). Ok, I’m going to do more of that gag stuff. For now… Byeeeeeee.

Ok, you win some, you lose some. I couldn’t think of any more jokes. I have very recently been given some more tasks from theindependentvoice, so I did them instead, then I went to the gym and beyond. First light: Green. Second light: Ohhhh, it was looking like it was going to be red, but no, just in time. Green! Third light: Come on, come on, come on…. Red. Damn it. Never mind. When I got back home, I didn’t do anything worth writing about, to be honest, other than wait for my brother. I’m actually still waiting as I’m writing this. I was promised takeaway curry and I’m starving. He better hurry up. Ok, the day has passed and hurry up, he didn’t, but he got to my house in the end so whatever. Nice curry! Nice present, too. I got some kind of mini drone which is a complete nightmare to fly; however it’s light weight did ensure that it didn’t get smashed to pieces. The most airtime I managed was around 15 seconds, and that was some pretty crazy airtime, too. Apparently, it can fly as high as 30 meters. I’ll be going off into a nearby park, to try and make that happen! But first… The gym and the other cycling I like to do…

YOU WILL NOT BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED. I hate to keep going on about the same stuff, but I’ve only done the all green thing again, haven’t I? Alright, the last traffic light was red, but only just. I kept cycling slowly passed the stop sign until the other one just in front of me changed to ‘go’, then I carried on back to normal, but that still counts, right? No? Ok. To be honest, I’m kind of happy about doing the whole perfect expedition just the once. I’m not greedy. Anyway, as I hinted at, I tried flying my drone in the garden, (not park) but I still haven’t got the hang of it. It flew on the house roof twice, and I had to climb out of my bedroom window to get it. But maybe it will get easier to control. It definitely would if forwards, reverse, left and right was consistent. As the thing’s built in kind of a circle shape, judging what it’s front, back and sides are, is basically impossible. Moving on again, you may remember a long time ago now (going all the way back to blog 18), I tried to meet up with someone to talk about comedy and maybe about working together. Well, I’ve finally arranged another meeting with the person, tomorrow. I’ll probably blog about that, and then finally post my work. Once again… Beyeeeebeebye.

Alright, I’ve met the woman (the lovely Kate Perry), and I will be building a website for her and doing other jobs like that. Should I go into detail? Probably. But… I’m kind of anxious to get going on that, so eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeyyyyyyyyyyyyyyybbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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