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  • deftonesaresuper

Comedy Competition Part 7! (Blog 66)

Yet another comedy contest that I’ve been running has ended! What’s impressive, is that the winner is unusually perceptive and educational. But I’ll get onto that later. Let’s have a brief summary of the runners up, first… Interestingly, there are two videos that involve talking to the animals, and a more extreme one about talking to cakes. Would you believe that the latter entry is about Schrodinger’s Cat? If you don’t know what that is, google it. Cakes and quantum mechanics? That was certainly different. Another competitor talks of how to write the most annoying song in the world, and it’s quite possible he succeeded. Another is a standup and the last one is about being heckled. I can’t think of anything funny to say about the final two. Nothing humorous to say about those amusing videos, yet I can make comedy from the perils of extreme sleeping? Get your head around THAT.

Ok, now I’ll talk about the victor. His creation is about conspiracies and in particular the illumiati. We’ve all heard of them, but even the most paranoid people out there rarely claim to have seen them. Yes, those individuals who are trying to take over the world both through obvious means (e.g. missile strikes) and more subtle ways (for example paying less to Youtube presenter/activists for their monetised adverts, so they starve to death). So how do you find at least some of the underground rulers so that you can make them amend their ways, perhaps via an Eminem styled rap battle? (Think of when the performer was challenging Donald Trump. The neo-poetry didn’t have any real effect, but at least he tried). Anyway, maybe Troy Hawke will shed some light on that matter in his documentary, below… (Ok, there’s no verbal scrapping in it, but that’s fine)…

Yes, thank the lord Mr. Hawke found the main source of the conspirators (that I won’t go into for legal reasons) and it’s fittingly crazy. Therefore, you don’t have to spend the rest of your life scanning illuminated places such as firework displays and restaurants with fancy ambient lighting, hoping the schemers will be there. (They’re the first places I’d look anyway. Too obvious? Think of the name ‘illuminati’ as a clever double bluff). However, whilst it’s reassuring Troy has made an important discovery, he hasn’t saved the world from the group. I wouldn’t go into how you could save the Earth even if I was joking (it’s ok, I am), as someone out there not as with it as Hawke could interpret that as inciting terrorism. Not something I’d want, it’s important to be careful. Especially as I’ve applied to have adverts on my site. On that rather dark note, let’s talk about something more positive!

Whilst riding my bike, I nearly swallowed a bee but didn’t! (The furry ball hit me just under my mouth). Fortunately, it didn’t follow me and seek vengeance for ‘me’ hitting it. In contrast, I once saw a wasp not so sympathetic to me after another inter-species collision. After I had stopped on my bike, I found it was on my jumper repeatedly trying to stab me with its sting. The joke was on him/her however, as my clothes were way too thick. I just shook it off me. That was certainly for the best I’ve been stung by a wasp before and it hurt like hell. Very fiery. Tone lightened then darkened just a tiny bit, I’ll end things here. Bye!

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