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  • deftonesaresuper

Awkwardness (Blog 69)

Ahhh, the funny Facebook contest I’m running. I’m not going to lie, it’s a pain looking around dozens of comedy groups, finding videos I can use for my site. However, recently I had an idea: Just get a load of material from the same stand up comedy page I spotted. All I had to do, was ask the administrator if I could pick a bunch of routines for my competition, and that was that. I still had to think up humourous video descriptions for the stuff I pasted in ’The Unsubscribe Tribe’, but everything was sorted out in a few hours. However, I later realised… ‘I haven’t asked the various comedians if I could use their stuff, just their boss. They have no clue they've been promoted. How am I going to explain to whoever the victor will be, that he won my contest and that I wrote a blog about him?’ Ah. Awkward.

Here’s what I could say: ‘You don’t know me, but I know you…’ No, that’s creepy. How about ‘everyone like surprises, right?’ No, that sounds like I’m taking the piss. Maybe ‘You’ve won the contest I’ve been talking about!’ I like that one. It suggests I made a mistake about not informing the entrant he was in my page, and I didn’t even realise it. Having said that, I’ve just explained my reasoning here, so let’s hope the competitor won’t read this blog. :S But if he does, he lives in Australia as all this month’s artists do, so what’s he going to do. Phew!

All of that will be and is uncomfortable. But there’s more… You may know I do some reviewing for the site The critiques I post there also get shared on the Facebook Independent Voice group, and the stuff shared on that also gets shared with the band’s social media pages. That’s usually fine, but not so much when I give criticisms and especially when the musicians reply to my negative feedback. I described one singer’s voice and melodies as ’strained and forgettable’, and got an ‘ouch’ in reply. You think that was bad? At least I didn’t get any replies from the noise/black metal band I reviewed, as that really was terrible. Drums should never be distorted. Where’s your sense of taste?

Out of curiosity and after a good day’s reviewing, I clicked on a Youtube video of a random guy called Yo Yo Ma, apparently playing some classical cello music. His name may have appeared in the video heading, but I didn’t know what it was. At first, it sounded like a joke to me (as in ‘yo mama is so fat’ or whatever) and classical music is rarely combined with juvenile humour, hence my confusion. After seeing him play and reading the comments I soon realised he had a Japanese name I was clearly unfamiliar with. I’m not mocking it, I remember how annoying it was in school when people went ‘Wieeeeedemmaaaaaann’, but even so, he should change his name if he wants to be taken seriously. He sounds like he should be in a hip-hop group. Not so crazy, when you take into consideration the fact the genre does actually use strings from time to time. Not Bach level, but still.

Finally, I recently saw my initials on a number plate, for I THINK the fourth time in my life. Epic! Bye!

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