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  • deftonesaresuper

Talk Sense! :S (Blog 70)

You may have heard about the General Data Protection Regulations that come into force on May 25th, 2018. (The regulations that protect internet user’s privacy, that is). Simply because I have my own website, they effect me and I have to reassure my visitors, they’re not getting totally screwed over. But how much do they effect me? You’d think a lot, as I was given pages and pages of stuff to read through concerning the GDPR, much of it in language that was less than easy to comprehend. If they were written so an ordinary 10 year old could understand them, I wouldn’t have been so scared of them. I’m not saying people who write terms and conditions are evil, but it’s interesting to note that Charles Manson messed with people’s heads by talking jibberish and it worked. But to be very clear, I’m sure there is no connection between the killer and the lawmen.

Anyway, I went back and forth, endlessly messaging help centres only to keep getting more information to read. I thought I was getting a grip on it but to be honest, I wasn’t, it was far too confusing. In desperation, I bombarded the very helpful website with questions they never could have answered, but even so, the staff were very patient with me. I never paid them a penny for their much appreciated clear responses, so I felt kind of bad and decided to promote the lovely company, on my next blog. Here you go, termsfeed. Excellent. Anyway, in the end I snapped because of the data overload from my many sources and asked my dad for advice. He said I just needed to say my site uses cookies. Was that all??? I was both relieved and almost annoyed for my time wasted. But that didn’t matter, as it was time to spread my part positivity and really pay tribute to TF. I did so by buying a delightful cookie policy from them, which you can appreciate on my website home page. Doesn’t it look professional and all grown up?

So that’s everything done, then? No, for whatever reason, I had to make clear that when people subscribe to my blog or something, they receive my marketing campaigns. But that’s what a blog IS, in that it’s marketing me. Right? Maybe I’m just confused again. I think I might be, so I got ‘help’ from the internet. Here is its definition of an MC: ‘An organized course of action to promote and sell a product or service.’ Speak English! Is my blog a marketing campaign or not?? Well whatever. At very least by saying to people when they follow me they’re also checking out ‘my marketing campaign’ (I do apologise for keep saying the phrase, I did my best) I’m not doing anything illegal. Go me. In a way. So THAT’S everything done then? This time… Yes! How about finishing with a joke, again? Why did inadequate gunslingers of the past always come up with memorable phrases? Because they were slowguns.

Bye e e e e e e e e e e e e e!

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