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Comedy Competition Part 8! (Blog 71)

In blog 69, I wrote of my troubles concerning how to tell the victor of my Unsubscribe comedy competition that I entered his work into it… Without him knowing. :S However, I had a lot of time to prepare my words. I eventually just said something like ‘I found your video in a Facebook group, and was told I could use it by the admin. You won!’ Notice how non-creepy that was? It wasn’t really even annoying. Success! Even better, the person I informed didn’t tell me to fuck off in an apparently ’edgy’ comedic way, that was actually malicious, (as I was fearing after watching several roasts on Youtube), no, he was actually pleased to be in my contest.

What was his video like? Check out Liam O’Grady’s entry, here… Lots of amusing stuff there, right? The way he said things with a hint of desperation was very funny to me. His delivery is a little bit like Jimmy Carr, but his humour isn’t quite as demented. Here’s one of Liam’s much cleaner jokes: ‘I had a brother who died when he was two, so he went through his mid life crisis at one!’ I’m sure that WAS just a joke though. A tiny, tiny bit offensive perhaps, but it could be worse and not just compared to Jim. Just for fun and for the sake of curiosity, here’s an Andrew Dice Clay version of his gag: ‘I had a ****ing brother who died when he was ****ing two, so he went through his mid life crisis at ****ing one! Bitch!’ Not as good, right? The swear words just aren’t necessary.

The great thing about taking videos without telling people, is that I don’t have to let anyone know they’ve come last in my competition. That fact was particularly good this month, as a policeman came 7th out of 8. You have to be very careful with dealing with such people as they aren’t known for taking jokes well. However, in this comedic circumstance things may be different, making things particularly complicated for me. Do I leave making light of his low though perfectly respectable ranking on my Facebook page (it was a close contest) or do I risk it? Hm. Well, as I said, it’s not an issue.

Err, what else? Oh, yes, something random: Remember when I said I wrote a ‘joke’ and I had no idea what it meant? (‘What word should you never say in front of the pope? You should never say ’tan’’). I’ve finally figured out what I was on about… Here’s a better version of my previously mysterious material: ’Why should you never say ‘tan’ in front of the pope? Because that would be say tan-ic.’ Ahhh…. Of course, a pun on the word ‘Satan’. Why didn’t I put it like that in the first place?? Well, everyone got sorted out in the end, eh? And once again, that’s it from me, moi and kuv. Bye, eyb and ybeeeee!

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