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  • deftonesaresuper

Random Thoughts (?) (Blog 126)

Here are some random thoughts that I have been collecting over a while. To start off with, I will be talking about Twitter. For a few months or so, I was getting constant new subscribers, but lately I’ve been losing more than I’ve been acquiring. Unfortunately, there is no real method that I know of, to test why that is. Are people abandoning me because they are bored with my posts, or are they leaving me for no explainable reason? If you are unfamiliar with my page, basically I post a joke of mine every day. I could alternatively tweet something brainless and hard to ignore like ‘kill!’, (shocking I know) and if there is no change in my fanbase’s habits, I can conclude people are indeed leaving for no reason. Needless to say, that would be a dodgy thing to tweet. Not only would I risk losing more followers than ever, it would be creepy, and what if I got a whole load of NEW subscribers because of it? You have to think of the kind of audience you want to attract.

Alright, thought 2: No actually, let’s talk about Twitter again. What’s up with the site allowing you to tweet more letters, recently(ish)? Part of the fun of the old version was working with the limitations one had. If anything, the site should have given us even less freedom. If they did, we would perhaps all be going through a golden age of new language and abbreviations. For example, instead of people writing ‘I had a great time in London’, they could type ‘IHAGTIL’. Sounds like it could be a word to say, too. Of course learning thousands of acronyms would be hard work, but that’s exactly what the youth of today needs, instead of them throwing sh*t at each other all the time in class. I remember school and it was f***ing mental. So Twitter, give people a maximum of ten letters, and see huge changes in the education system. I’m being serious. Students often say algebra is pointless, right? Would they say the same about ‘sick’ new language? Probably not.

Thought 3: This one’s also about Twitter. Why are you allowed to post pictures? A picture says a thousand words, right? Isn’t THAT going over the limit? Surely posting a whole video is. A short film must say MANY thousands of words. It doesn’t make sense. It’s like saying to someone ‘you can use a few sentences, or alternatively, you can post a whole book’. That would certainly confuse me, anyway. Why not just be honest and say you can basically do what you want. Maybe the reason is the site would end up being thought of as more or less exactly the same as Facebook. That would be a hard thing to advertise, wouldn’t it? ‘You like Facebook, well here it is again. -_-’ The use of an exclamation mark instead of an unimpressed face may cause some excitement, but personally, I still wouldn’t exactly be inspired by the hypothetical advert.

Thought 4: Again, let’s stick to Twitter. Where did the brand even get their name? Are literal tweets from birds supposed to resemble human messages? But the critters don’t sing songs that are paragraphs long, like what are allowed on the social media thingamajig. At least I don’t think they do, they just repeat near identical short phrases over and over, right? Who on the site only has that little to say? (Unless they type something like ‘kill!’, but expect such a person to be immediately banned, even if he WAS doing research. That’s too hard a thing for a man to explain). Twitter are really for people going on short rambles. I can’t think of any animals that go on rambles though (in ‘their own tongue’, I mean) so coming up with a brand name that is cute, novel and organism based is harder because of that. However, lying is never a good idea in any kind of business so the company shouldn’t pretend there is such a creature. I guess they’re stuck. How about the following: ‘Simon’s World of Rambles’, ‘Let’s Talk with Simon’, or the short and snappy ‘Simon Gab’? No? Not at all? Call me, Twitter.

Whoops, this post was all about the site, wasn’t it. Not so much random. Then again, isn’t it random to call something random if it isn’t? I’ll leave you with that thought. Bye!

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