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  • deftonesaresuper

The Town of Kings (…?) (Blog 130)

Urban CD collecting? Again? Yep, however this time there is a twist; me and my friend went browsing in Kingston, (England), which was new for us. New for a reason, though. There was only one record shop to go to, as the outlet in the main shopping centre closed down. Still one is often enough. To be precise, Banquet Records was surely enough. The queue to get into the place was about half an hour long (as short as it was) and therefore it was clearly the best store in the whole of the UK. Strangely, even though a new small group of people were going in every fifty years or so, I didn’t seem to notice anyone exiting.

I suggested that people weren’t entering to buy things as they hoped, but rather were being slaughtered. No one laughed, but on the plus side, no one ran away. ‘Mass murder in a busy London shop? Completely unheard of right? Right??’ I’m sure that’s what many customers told themselves as they admirably put a brave face on things. However, having just thought about it… Banquet Records? What better name for a cannibalistic slaughterhouse? It would have been intense if they specialised in death/black metal. Such bands of the genres often take the phrase ‘there is no such thing as bad publicity’, quite literally, so you could imagine the fear people would have to confront going into THAT kind of shop because of my thoughtless comments.

Apparently BR actually specialise in indie, punk and dubstep, which is good for me as I do like my indie artists. It’s very cold for me saying this, but the threat of death is far more interesting though, isn’t it? Of course I didn’t want the shoppers to be killed, just scared a bit as groups such as Cannibal Corpse played along to screams from a speaker. It's ok to fantasise. Don’t worry, the joke could potentially be on me too if set up properly, so it would be completely fair. It would also give me inspiration for what would be my wildest blog yet. Anyway, as I stood waiting like a lemon for a borderline eternity, I questioned my chum about whether the place sold CDs or not. Banquet Records is a very vague name for a shop. Some people call CDs records, but I have no idea why. However, as I was finally rewarded the late stages of the line, I could take a sneaky peak into the business. What a relief! Formats I could actually play at home were on sale!

It was also at that point in the queue that I noticed non-waiting people casually walking into the establishment without a care in the world. I was thinking to myself ‘these so and sos had better be employees or known to the staff, otherwise they are completely taking the piss. They should be made to suffer like the rest of us’. Never mind. A few minutes later my chum and I also actually went into the place. It was just an everyday music store in size, content and every way possible! Why was a cameraman filming everyone like everything was absolutely amazing and special? It clearly wasn’t. I shouldn’t moan too much though, I got a couple of albums that I’m playing right now. They’re very good!

After leaving in one piece (or rather a couple of pieces) and free from wounds, the two of us went chocolate shopping. I know I said I’m trying to cut down on the treats, but I did also point out I’d keep getting them when I go into London. Kingston is technically London. It’s not exactly the central part of the city but I’m still covered. Therefore, I don’t have an addiction problem. Naturally I will be getting more choccies this Tuesday, as I will be going to the LCW meeting, but once again… I’m covered. And on that tasty note… Bye!

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