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  • deftonesaresuper

Chair Diaries (Blog 147)

All of us have sat on chairs at some point in our lives, but how many of us have stopped to think about what it REALLY means to sit on the things and how the furniture influences one another. Maybe, just maybe, the general population has neglected something significant. But then again, maybe not. That’s what I will be finding out. At different points in the day I will be noting my experiences, and in the best case scenario, I will get some insight that will make me a legend in the couch industry. Of course however, it could totally go the other way and this journal entry may end up being my poorest of all time. Hopefully nothing worse will happen, but you never know, I may fall off my chair! :S (Not so unlikely as it is heavily damaged). Still though, not the end of the world. Hopefully.

20/7/2019, 10:23: To start things off and to be honest, I’m not sure what to say. My mood for one thing is perfectly fine, but why could that be? Is it because of my stool? At the end of the day, who really knows what causes moods. Often you feel good/bad for no reason, right? My sitty-thing is soft so I’m not uncomfortable, and if I want to, I can spin on it which is great. But I’m not spinning, right now. Then again, I do have the option to, so maybe that is subconsciously giving me feelings of wellness and optimism. I’ll use this time to ponder.

10:37: I’m still perplexed, but I’m trying. MAYBE my perfectly reasonable mood is caused by my knees getting better through pro-knee warm-ups and hot baths (I kind of messed my legs up by gyming too hard). Maybe it’s caused by the music I’m listening to (gotta love Years and Years), or maybe I'm fine because I’ve not long ago eaten a humble banana - a fruit associated with well-being. Or once again, is it my chair that's looking after me?? I’ll get back to you.

10:53: I’ve got a hypothesis! Think about this: Chairs offer support, right? And people need support for their mental health? Ohhhhh…. Hang on, they offer PHYSICAL support, not the emotional kind. Then again, does the literal support work as a kind of placebo for the mind? I mean, the brain could think ‘support’ then feel it. One way to find out is by testing if my chair constantly makes me feel super. Which I know it doesn’t. My breakthrough idea must be scrapped.

11:30: I’ve brushed my teeth, shaved and all that and watched a Youtube video. Has the back of my noggin produced any wisdom whilst I was busy? Nope, but I can try to reflect properly now… Here’s a thought: What would I be like without my seat? Uncomfortable and annoyed most likely. Clearly settees and such have value. :O But then again, if I replaced my furniture with a short desk or whatever, I’m sure I’d find that adequate. What I’m trying to say is that I haven’t found anything exactly special about traditional bum rests yet. Far from it.

11:46: I’ve just sounded very foolish and incompetent I know, with my lack of ideas. Let’s try and sound deep with a haiku. Hopefully I will regain your trust…

Have you ever thought

What a no chair world would mean?

I have, but I’m stuck

12:22: Sorry, that wasn’t powerful enough. Here’s a sonnet I’ve just written…

What would a world without chairs really mean?

Would the world even be able to work?

Would it be the craziest thing you’ve seen?

Where would all the furniture salesmen lurk?

How do sofas effect my state of mind?

Do sofas even do anything… Right?

To say they do nothing would be so blind.

They might do something right? They might, they might.

I know it’s pretentious to write these rhymes.

I know I should never have even tried.

I am trying right now, I just need time.

Not just for you, but also my hurt pride.

Chairs, armchairs, benches, recliners, rockers…

All of these examples are my mockers.

Rockers and mockers? Not QUITE Shakespeare level. Screw it, it’s time to move on. You can think about these things too much.

13:16: Nope, sorry. Nothing more to say. Need more time to think.

13:23: Here’s a thought: Maybe without chairs people would have finally learnt how to levitate and avoid contact with the often uncomfortable ground. Many people clearly put the effort in trying to float. After thousands of years of suffering and desperation some kind of powerful, telekinetic abilities would have been developed, surely? THAT was deep.

13:32: You know what also would be great without you know what? Super-developed leg muscles through people standing all the time. Wouldn’t it be amazing if we could jump ten meters high? Of course the trampoline industry would suffer heavily as it would no longer be needed, but the pros would outweigh the cons by far.

13:57: Ok, it’s time to put my pondering to an end. It has clearly been a waste of time. I don’t know what it truly means to be a chair/own a chair or whatnot for Christ’s sake. I’m not sure if it even matters. In my opinion, thinking any harder is not worth my effort. But at least I made a decent attempt. So…….. Bye!

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