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  • deftonesaresuper

Topgolf! (Blog 148)

Me and my friend not long ago went mini golfing, so we decided to take things a little further today and do a more grownup form of the sport. One where the holes are maybe 50 to 100 meters away, as opposed to about 2 or 3. (Though to be fair MG features a lot of fun trick shots, making things harder than they sound). The adult version however was a bit of a double edged sword. Sure it was more difficult, making it more satisfying, but it was so hard I had no real idea what to do. I just swung my club and hoped for the best. At least when I went micro style I had some control over my puts. In Topgolf, I was also completely mystified as to what sticks sizes I should use or if I should use left or right-handed ones. Consequently, I used a load of them from my bag and from my amigo. What I do know is, I’m left handed but I preferred the right. Or did I? To be honest, I don’t really care. If I want to hit small objects (stones) with a club (a fallen bit of branch), I do so in peace when I’m alone in a countryside area until I decide to stop. Sure I get weird looks from horse riders, but it’s worth it in the lovely forest air. And it’s free and I don't get judged for sucking. Really my hobby should be more popular…

Anyway, about the game: As the golf balls were microchipped, it was known who me and my friend’s spheroids were, once we put the things in a clever electronic box with a hole on top of it. (I don’t know how the whole system works, but that’s the gist of it). Then we hit them towards the targets. However, either my golf ammo was mostly dodgy or I kept forgetting to put it in the container, because my scores were disallowed most of the time. Not that it really matters, because my friend was winning anyway. Even so, I shouldn’t have been thrashed. Perhaps because he was so confident about becoming the victor, my chum gave me a lot of his balls towards the end, so I was effectively playing (badly) for him. Of course that defeated the purpose of the game, but by that time I was so disillusioned by the faulty electronics (or even worse, my faulty brain) I wasn’t too bothered yet again.

After all that business I got a milkshake in the bar. Yes, I get lots of them but this time I got a RUM milkshake. And I was thinking my love of the drinks was slowly fading! Oh no, I was shown a whole new world of flavour, this time in a more adult form. And my friend just got chips! You can get them anywhere! Maybe he’s funny in the head, which could explain the whole golf ball thing. No, only joking. After that I gave back my clubs, or at least tried to. The I guess ‘club man’ told my to just leave my hitty things by the counter and he didn’t even check them. Which was fortunate, because to be honest, I didn’t know if I put the right hitters back in the bag they came out of. As explained I did a bit of mindless experimenting with different smackers, so anything could have happened. Anyway, phew! Gotta love it when things don’t get checked. After all THAT business, my friend drove me home. To top the day off, I saw the letters ‘EVH’ on an ambulance number plate - the initials of Eddie Van Halen! My word. Amazing. Bye!

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