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  • deftonesaresuper

More Trekking Tales (Blog 169)

As me and my friend planned a simple walk in Chobham Common, I assumed I didn’t need to bring my wallet. I was thinking maybe I should take it just in case, but what reason could there be, really? To prove my identity to police, if some guy was pretending to be me? Sure, that wouldn’t be a ridiculous thought because of my impressive coolness levels, but I thought the risks, such as losing the thing, outweighed the benefits. I did take my keys on the other hand; to jingle them in my pocket as a fun musical instrument. No, only joking, for normal reasons. Anyway, soon in the early afternoon my friend picked me up in his car.

In an act of wild impulsivity, (wild for someone in his 30s -_-), my friend mid-journey, decided to stop off in Shepperton, to go for a walk there. The benefit of the town being its local pub. Oh no! My wallet! How could I buy anything? Not to worry, my friend offered to pay as we trekked for a good 30 or 40 minutes, and you know what? I had a great excuse to be stingy. The phrase ‘hell yeah, wooo!’ springs to mind. But my knees! Were they up to the travelling challenge? I’m still recovering from exercise abuse as I pointed out in earlier blogs. Things weren’t all bad however, as I used my injury as an interesting subject for discussion. It was a lot better than talking about how walking at night is far better than walking in the day. I would later find that such a topic would be perceived as creepy.

My knees were pretty good for the most part, despite my preoccupation with them. (Yes, I’ve gone back to them even as I blog, right now). I did experience fleeting mild pain every now and then but hey. Walking along nice boat filled rivers and across fields was fun and made the aches worthwhile. Who doesn’t like a good field? As I’m sure you know what a field looks like, even if you’re a massive city-dweller or even if you’ve spent your whole life in jail, because you disagree with society’s rules to a very large extent, I’ll skip the descriptions and move onto the drinking house and my perfectly justified beverage.

I hate to sound like I can’t even plan the most basic of things, but I did ask for the drink without thinking at all. I knew I’d also be having alcohol with my takeaway I was planning, later on in my own private time. I couldn’t have more than one drink a day, as that would mean going beyond my weekly 4 units of alcohol limit. Therefore when I got my drink, I decided to leave most of it. 6 units a week? How would I explain that to my dentist the next time I have a checkup? (Because they ask about alcohol consumption, for whatever reason). What in my life is causing me 50% more stress that I’m hiding from? I’d have to have a long discussion, and before you know it, there would be no time to get a filling or whatever, and I’d have to book another appointment. Very bad practice, I know, but there are horror stories out there, you can find online.

What followed the pub was the creepy nighttime rambling talk. Deep down I knew it was unnecessary to go on for so long about how not being able to see properly in the countryside is superior to being able to see, but I did and still do feel quite passionately about the subject and I know my friend is wrong. Oh well. As my chum took me home at just a little later than 4 PM, that meant I had plenty of time to go to the gym! But my knees? I should take it easy right? No! Sure my whole carefree attitude is what caused me trouble in the first place, but when a physiotherapist tells you to work through pain, you assume he’s not a sadist and that he knows what he’s talking about.

That was the day really, other than my music reviewing that I did in the morning. Ohhh yeah, the reviewing. You may have noticed I’ve been on a bit of a crazy writing spree over the last two months, and that was because I had no albums to critique. I’ll have less time to spend on blogging etc., from now on unless my boss is going to take a break from her journalism website again. Not to worry, though, I am planning on adding some of my funny (as in strange) music to my site after Christmas. :O

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