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  • deftonesaresuper

Back to Staines! (Blog 228)

As lockdown has ended, I can drive to Staines to shop again! In fact, I did today! Unsurprisingly, I parked in the car park before shopping. I’ve never heard of people parking in shops. I have heard of people CRASHING into shops, but only a special kind of nutter would actually park in one. Anyway, in the park I didn’t have the option to stay for just an hour, as it was a Sunday. If you drop by on a Sunday, your only option is to pay £2 for the whole day. See the logic there? However, that worked out for me, as I’ll explain soon. When I put my money in the cash machine, I thought I got it back along with a ticket, which made me very happy. It seemed I got revenge for all the times the thing robbed me when I put the wrong change in. Payback! Turns out I got no ticket and had to try putting in the coins again. Damn.

When all that annoying though law-abiding business was over and done with, the first thing I did was seek out those special M&S grapes. The store was closed, but I had more than 12 hours left. Technically speaking, I could have set up a tent in the shopping centre and chilled out in it to pass the time away, but I doubt I’d ever go that far. Not without mind altering substances such as caffeine, anyway. (But would I get some of the stuff later??) After about half an hour, I asked someone what the time was and she said it was 11:13 AM. (A bit of a boring time. If only I asked two minutes earlier. :( ) I then asked whether the shop was going to open and I was told it was closed. Closed temporarily or for good, I don’t know. Asking two questions is fine, three is pushing it in my opinion, so I left it. In a way, I guess I thought the person I asked was a kind of genie figure. Ok, you can asks genies three questions, but doing so is rude when they don’t ask anything of you, right? Who knows.

Then I planned to get some mouthwash in Boots, but first I had to do some queuing. That was more interesting than you may have thought however, as I saw a pretty special numberplate close by. I think it was ‘EAS7WRD’ or something like that. Something EAS7. Sure it didn’t exactly say ‘Eastward’, but it was damn close. I don’t know what the plate means to the owner, maybe that’s his favourite direction, what I do know is it looked super classy. Of course there is a possibility the owner got lucky and got such a plate by accident, but that doesn’t sound likely. I know if I was a plate maker, I’d either keep it for myself or sell to a rich Asian person. Or maybe a member of East 17. Anyone who it could be relevant for, basically. Sure it would be better if it was W357WRD as English people are in the West of the world but don’t be greedy. Sadly Staines is in the South West of England too, so that’s another plate fail, but again… don’t be greedy. I nodded to it in front of the other queuers, but whether they understood what I was going on about I don’t know.

Then I got ‘Still got the Blues’ by Gary Moore, in HMV. Not particularly interesting, but again, factually accurate. Sadly as I queued a further time, nothing really stood out to me as blog worthy. I’ve NEVER heard of any music shop selling number plates but I wish they did. I wonder what training staff would get in such an establishment. I know for a fact the questions from the job interviewer would be exceptionally specialist, scaring many potential workers away. You thought the company was going through hard times now? However, I certainly did try to find something cool to look at. The best I could do was find some shirts on sale. Nope, no door knobs or pet food. :(

After that, I got a Starbucks hot chocolate and cream. As you may know, the cream on top of my drink of choice usually proves illusive as it floats away from me as I try to swallow it. This time however, the cream was TOO eager to go in my mouth, making the HOT CHOCOLATE difficult to consume. Still though, that’s what I prefer. Cream > hot chocolate, as the saying goes. I left the establishment a tiny bit dizzy, but I think that was just in my imagination. I hope to God I didn’t get the wrong order and get something caffeinated (potentially making me dizzy AND schizo) as I can’t even have a sip of the stuff. A whole drink and in one word, I’d be (expletive). (So no, I had NO plans of drinking caffeine). But I think I’m fine as I checked the name on my plastic cup about 5 times. Then I got a Subway, which I ate at home. Another fact for you. Bye!

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