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  • deftonesaresuper

Bank Holiday Brilliantness! (?) (Blog 251)

Later on today, my brother and his family will be visiting me and my dad to celebrate the well earned break for bankers. I don’t mean to sound disrespectful, but based on past experiences, bankers probably won’t even be mentioned. Does that make me a bad person? I mean they’re clearly important if they need that many days to themselves, but I’m just saying other people work hard, too. I’m not sure if I’d call myself a communist, but if bankers wanted even more special days, I WOULD understand the appeal of the political movement. They’ve gone too far. If I decided I wanted several days a year just for me, I’m sure people would want to stop that, too. On another note, I’ve recently come back from the gym, and I’m feeling pretty good, I have to say. I was actually feeling like death for a while at the place, but weighing up the pros and cons, I made the right decision. I’m clearly a very sensible person, so who’s up for national Simon day? It could be on my birthday.

I’ve just come back from the shops! I nearly dropped an item on the floor, but I stopped it from falling by pressing my legs against it and squeezing it in-between the cashier desk in front of me. (My hands were full). Talk about glory. Sadly however, I dropped everything shortly after, in front of everyone. Like a kind of compliment sandwich (or rather a good situation sandwich) none of my items were cracked open or spilled. Two out three isn’t bad, I’m happy with that. I’m very excited to say I bought eleven pounds worth of quality chocolate for everyone to share! It’s going to be amazing. Interestingly there is a mix of dark chocolate, milk chocolate and white chocolate. If you think I’m a mad, hedonistic thrill seeker by considering eating two types of chocolate at the same time (or maybe more! :O), there’s a Kitkat out there that mixes light and dark together. When I ate one I was so happy.

Now what to say? Hm. Oh yes, I’m wearing new socks with no holes in them whatsoever, so I have nothing to feel embarrassed about. I will elaborate further on my next interview ‘Interview Questions Part 5’. For now I won’t be mentioning the type of socks I bought, just to build up the tension. Though as the interview SHOULD be published tomorrow, you don’t have too long to wait. You know how Tool keeps delaying their albums for years and years, it’s like that. Moving on, I have to (or rather should for the sake of professionalism - I do try, honestly), think of an entertaining comment to go along with the Hidden Histories video I will be sharing on my Unsubscribe Tribe Facebook page. ‘Hidden Histories, the group you’ve blogged about five or so times already?’ Yep, I will make them compete in my comedy contest AGAIN, and most likely there won’t even be any other competitors. (Again). My competition, my rules. Ah. It seems I contradicted myself a bit, when I said I was professional. That was quick. :(

Oooh, a bit of drama. My brother may not be visiting me, as his baby is asleep right now, and he doesn’t want a baby being forced to stay awake when seeing me, resulting in a grumpy baby. Drama over! My sibling’s family is at the door, now! Ok, everyone’s gone home. (Yes, I know this is ultra condensed blogging). So what happened? Long story short, I ate most of the chocolate, but to be fair I did pay for it. Both in terms of price and the effect on my teeth. Did I combine chocolates, like I said I might? No. For one thing, I forgot, and for the second thing, how would that make me look? At least a little bit odd. Or if not odd, extremely greedy. Well MORE greedy, as explained I ate most of the stuff, didn’t I? I’m not sue how this blog is making me look. Some Youtube videos were enjoyed and that kind of stuff, including a version of ‘Jingle Bells’ in 100/4 time and over crazy time signatures. It’s definitely worth checking out. And that’s it! Bye!

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