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Boxing Day Board Games. And Stuff. (Blog 288)

Yesterday, I went round my brother’s house again, to celebrate boxing day. However, this time there was my sister in law’s family, too. When did I go there, exactly? Well, the time kept getting delayed because of my dad’s chronic fear of telling the truth. In the end, I left at about 7pm. One of the first things I saw when entering the house, was a variety of foods, but no mustard, so I passed on the meals. Of course desserts don’t need mustard so I did eat that stuff. I don’t know if this is true, but I heard foods go with other foods well if they’re chemically similar to each other. So pork and mustard are related to each other?? Mustard pigs?? Sounds a bit unbelievable. I would have thought chocolate and mustard have far more in common with each other, but as always, don’t trust me with facts. Shortly after sitting at the table and watching people eat, my brother cleaned the area my niece had been playing in. Toddlers really can make a mess. I was actually quite surprised at the speed and efficiency of my brother’s tidying. It was like watching a skilled Tetris player.

Soon after, I was shown my nephew’s baby monitoring system. Not only was there a camera keeping an eye on the baby, so called ‘comforting’ noises were played. I have to be honest, they sounded like the gasps of Darth Vader to me, but if the science says it’s relaxing, who am I to argue? Apparently the hisses are supposed to remind the baby of being inside the womb. Personally if any part of my body made those kinds of noises I’d be really scared. I then played an 80s/90s/00s based card game with the family. It wasn’t until that point that did I realise that I really didn’t know much about popular culture at those times. I was asked questions about who directed certain films and such. I’ve been going through life thinking that stuff didn’t matter. In the world of family games, it’s vital! I did get one answer correct though, it’s just my brother got 10. I would have got two, but someone shouted the answer out for me which was annoying, tbh. It wasn’t her turn!!! :’(

Not to worry, children away, I did do better at the rude card game also played the day before, I just didn’t win again. Then again, all decent people would want to lose. My brother asked me various questions about my favourite bands, which made me feel awkward as not only do lots of people dislike Deftones, some of their songs make people feel sick, but each to their own. I much preferred talking about the rarer CDs of my collection. It brings me great pride when I say some people are selling a few of my CDs for around £1,000 on Amazon. Blitzkrieg Absolutely Live (it certainly sounds absolutely live) is one such rare album, but unfortunately it’s not very good, as my bracketed comment implies. On the plus side, I paid about £10, which is cool. Well it WAS selling for a fortune, having just checked the site it’s not available anymore. Maybe someone bought it. Or more likely the seller saw sense and sold it at a car boot sale, for about 50p. It’s like trying to sell a super rare book with lots of spelling mistakes. Good luck with that, I know I tried. I certainly don’t sell The Danger of Proverbs for a grand, though.

A perfectly normal discussion, then. What wasn’t QUITE so normal was the strange and ambitious game where you put a dollop of cream on your arm, and you hit your arm sending the food flying. You then try to catch the food in your mouth. Needless to say it went everywhere, including the floor and ceiling. My brother was at least partially successful, whereas I wasn’t quite so much. In a rare case of sensibility, I wiped the stuff off me with a tissue. I was still an intrigued viewer of the activity, so don’t get your hopes up. When everyone had calmed down a little, a Friends based board game was discussed, but it was agreed everyone should go home as me and my dad know nothing about the show, making playing the game somewhat pointless. Even so, it would have been less embarrassing to lose THAT game, as I’ve never really watched the program, but I have lived in the 80s through to the noughties. You’d think the years would be hard to ignore. Think again. Then as I left, I took a mince pie. Great stuff. That’s it! Byeee!

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