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  • deftonesaresuper

Comedy Contest 31 (Blog 191)

What had this month’s contest have to offer? Well, there were three ‘wacky’ songs to choose from. (That word covers topics that are either funny or plain peculiar - but in a good way of course, that’s often my style). There were also two sketches and one of them, let’s face it was also kind of weird. I gave it a high score though because it was strangely entertaining. There weren’t really any traditional jokes in it, the lead character was just very excited. Again, that’s my kind of style, as you may have noticed my fondness for exclamation marks and amazed faces. (As in :O :O ).

Anyway, the winning tune by Eyal Goldstein featured a man in his 30s (presumably) singing about how bad it is to be in your 30s, in an unusually cheerful tone. It made me wonder what his life must have been like pre-30s. It must have been amazing. But how could anyone be so happy? The only logical answer I could think of was a simple one: Drugs. The musician doesn’t look like a drug addict though, so I really am stumped. Maybe he was ‘high on the drug of life’? But all drugs are drugs of life in that they exist, so really that expression is meaningless or purposely misleading. Maybe it is worth an addict saying the technically true phrase to a suspicious policeman. If so, the latter may simply walk away and move on. Who knows? (P.S. DON’T DO DRUGS!!!)

I was shocked to see Eyal only has 10 subscribers on Youtube, because the amount of work he put into his video and his musical worthy music was very impressive. If he isn’t already, he could be a very successful composer. If he removes all his swearwords, that is - he needs to think more about his target audience, who should really be families with children, and who will most likely want to hear about how NICE it is being 30. (Stop making me depressed). He’s not going to perform to depressed goths in upbeat musicals, unless they have some serious identity issues. On the other hand, maybe he could do with keeping the swearwords, but adding blast beats and tremolo picked guitars, so goths DO like his stuff. But that’s more work. Then again, would that bother him? Probably not. That’s very admirable, as to be honest I don’t spend as much time on my music as you may think. In particular, I’m a very poor lyricist.

Anywho, check out his video, here…

Now to change the subject. As you may have remembered, I’ve had some troubles with my knees in the past. I went to see a physiotherapist who gave me some exercises to do and some general advice, and since then my joints have been slowly getting better. In fact, in recent times I could happily run a total of two and a half miles a day, with very little pain. I was thinking to myself ‘I have EXCELLENT knees’. Then out of nowhere, my knees started clicking and it was painful, too. Out of morbid curiosity, I tried a bit of running on a gym treadmill and there was a more than audible snap that got people’s attention. Kind of funny I guess, but certainly annoying. Back to square one. However, once I post this blog, (I’m actually writing it one and a half months early, because I’m super reliable), hopefully I’ll be better. (Yes, I’m making SOME progress - me at the time of posting). Until then, treadmills are out of bounds. Hiking machines, etc. are fine though because they are more gentle and benevolent. I’m sure that’s not a term staff members use, but they should so they appear more friendly. That’s some genuine advice. Bye!!

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