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  • deftonesaresuper

Comedy Contest 43! (Blog 249)

Hidden Histories win again! What’s even more impressive is the fact they were actually competing with someone this time! Nope, scratch that, TWO other people. THAT’S a contest. They have another wrestling themed video here, so you may think that would hurt their originality score, but one other contender’s sketch was about going crazy in lockdown, and that’s not too original, either. EVERYONE’S gone mad. The remaining contender described how he covered his ukulele with thin plastic to fight infections which in turn, made it impossible to play. That’s mad, too. I could have added a video where someone goes around hitting people, but that would be TOO mad. A very fine line I’m treading here. Luckily however, I’m not sure how that could ever be a comedy video. Charlie Chaplin was sick. Only joking, he just uses harmless slapstick humour. Although, such a misunderstanding could explain a certain dictator’s choice of facial hair?? I’m just saying the two people were around at the same time.

As the video was posted on April Fool’s Day, that gave HH a great opportunity for comedy. However, if I made an April Fool’s joke, I would most likely get believed no matter what I said. I could get into serious trouble, so I’ll leave the pranking for others. Having said that, HH still could have taken their prank further. They said someone got sacked, whereas I would have said their house had exploded. Oh excellent, they made another joke where they said a friend had been hit by a bus. That’s the kind of stuff I was looking for. It’s interesting how I was talking to HH about music on Facebook and some of my conversations mysteriously found their way into their video. I don’t like country music and neither do the vid’s commentators. :S Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, I guess. Either that or they were just mocking me. :(

However, most of the video can’t possibly have anything to do with me. Particularly the bits about being bitter. Sure I just said I want to lie about people’s homes and all their treasured belongs in them self-combusting as a joke, but the thing is I WOULD tell them it was just a joke. In the end. Give it a few days, or whatever. Depends if they were on holiday, that could work. Still on the subject of HH’s themes, I’m not an anglophobe, either. I’m an angle, aren’t I? By that I mean I’m from England, the land of angles. (According to the Greeks, that is. :S) I’m quite the opposite of an angle phobe, in fact. I’m an angle file. (Again, according to the Greeks - I’m not sure I’d take everything they say literally). I mean Black Sabbath, Judas Priest, etc. Come on, England’s great! Ironically however, I don’t actually like angles - too pointy and they often cause injuries. :'(

Anywho, check out the video in question, below!

Now to change subjects! I think I’ll go for a lovely walk, later. No gym. I really am knackered. I fear I will literally turn into a zombie if I don’t get some rest. And do you know how long it will take for everyone in the world to get infected if I do go around biting people? Just a month. (Same goes if anyone turns into the undead, I’m not more dedicated than most). And you thought coronavirus was bad. Naturally there would be worldwide outrage if I don’t take a day off at least. I can understand that, I’d be mad, too. You know what? I think I’ll eat some Krave cereal later, to cheer me up. The insides of the pieces of breakfast are chocolates, and the outsides are… I dunno. I guess non-chocolates. Basically you get two ideas in one. However, that does mean the milk doesn’t go chocolatey even if you wait for ages, and long term fans will know I love chocolatey milk. A rookie error, Krave! >:( Bye!

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