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  • deftonesaresuper

Comedy Contest 51! (Blog 289)

Just a month after the 50th superblog comedy contest special, comes the Area 51 comedy special! For the special 51st time, maybe I should stop calling these blogs ‘contest blogs’ as they have evolved over time by getting worse and worse. (Or more minimalist). And it’s not devolution actually, because people evolved from monkeys, and people can’t move their toes like monkeys can. What I’m trying to say is, human toes getting worse is evolution and this contest is as well. Capiche? For the special 51st time, should I start calling these blogs ‘Share Blogs’ as I simply share videos now? Maybe. But then I’d have to make a special thumbs up doodle replacement, and I’m pretty happy with my drawing. It’s probably the finest thing I’ve ever drawn on computer at least, no lie. I was considering adding an art section to my site, but just no. Embarrassingly, most of the faces I draw look disapproving, showing most people’s reaction towards me, so again, no art section.

Moving on, does this month’s ‘winner’ Matt, have anything to do with Area 51? I tried and tried to find a connection, but no. Not at all. But as I’m a reasonable individual, I’ll drop the idea and move on. No wait, here’s a spacey haiku… (It just doesn’t have anything to do with Mr. Jones).

James the alien

Couldn’t write a fitting blog

James the fail-ian.

Now to actually talk about the victor! His video is called ‘How Shady People Pray in Church’, and it’s about two I guess friends (they don’t seem like friends to me, but they are closer to each other than me and my friends) praying for each other, whilst being insulting at the same time. As in ‘please pray for my chum’s smelly feet’. That kind of stuff. However, Matt makes the target audience older by using clever words like ‘embalming fluid’. It’s a neat trick. If I was writing the sketch, I’d make the people doing the praying turn into pigeons. Far dumber, I admit it, especially as I keep milking the same ideas. Let’s call it ‘development’. Sure people could NEVER make someone turn into any animal by chanting ‘turn in an animal’ over and over again, even if they did speak Latin, (a mystical language) but who cares? Move on. Check out the video, below!

I asked Naz Osmanoglu if he wanted to share one of his videos again, but sadly he ignored me. I suppose that could be because of all my blogs that admittedly ‘violate’ some of the entrants. Fair enough. Most people want others to be kind. (That’s what was explained to me, anyway). So, here’s a funny line from this month’s winner: ‘And lord, help Matt to know that he’s enough. He’s just a little man’. (It was delivered very well). Respect has to go out to Matt for not changing his name in his skit. A lesser man would write sketches about themselves and use an alias such as James.

Now to change the subject! I heard Eric ‘Slowhands’ Clapton got his nickname because he took ages to tune his guitar, not because of his playing style. That makes sense as he’s not a particularly slow player. It wouldn’t even be irony as he’s not fast, either. So either he is slow at tuning or his name is a massive troll. It’s like calling someone with normal but not exceptional eyesight ‘blind’. You try to understand the nickname for ages, but too late, the day is gone. Making things worse, it’s like calling someone blind for several decades. THAT’S a life wasted for the person trying to understand the name. It could happen to autistic people which is why vaccinations are a valid fear for those who are paranoid. I get it. Having said that, the power of the internet also says he got the name because he WAS fast. (Ok, I guess he was quick by 1960s standards). So yeah. Don’t trust the internet. Certainly don’t trust me. I think that’s it! Happy new year! Bye!

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