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  • deftonesaresuper

Contest 55! (Blog 309)

Remember when Matt Jones went all weird, I rated how creepy he was, and I compared how creepy he was to me? He’s completely changed, now he’s a super nice cop! How he got the job is another matter. Be too creepy and you start giving the criminals suggestions, even worse, be too nice and you let everyone go and then give them suggestions! Maybe I’m jealous of normal people. Ah, the middle ground. Sounds awesome. I’m not saying I’d work for felons if I had a really good day or whatever, but if I banged my head on something? Who knows? Last time I hit my head, I just felt dizzy, but after a severe impact? I could form my own gang. Not a feared gang, but certainly well known. Anyway, now Matt’s too nice as a policeman. BUT, you know when you mix hot water with cold water, and you end up with water that has a perfect temperature? This is just one of my theories, but if Matt can somehow merge all his let’s face it, unacceptable personalities together (I know that sounds nuts, but bare with me), MAYBE, he’d end up with the perfect personality. So be like water, Matt. Sounds like I’m some kind of Buddhist monk, doesn’t it? I like that idea very much.

You could also be like the big bang. i.e. creative. Like you are. Keep being like the big bang, so to speak. I’m not saying you should be responsible for creating countless stars, planets and lives, that would be asking way too much of you, again, I’m saying keep being creative. Don’t be like a black hole. Again, I’m not suggesting you’ll end up destroying the universe, just don’t be negative that’s all. I think we can all agree black holes are negative. (And full of drawings of penises, if you’re familiar with my sketches. Was I right? No one really knows for sure. Maybe there are penises, maybe there is one confused kitten, maybe there is a trapped Flat-Earther. Again, who knows?) Hm. What else could Matt be like? Maybe asbestos. Useful, but eventually poisonous. No, only joking, that’s me. No only joking again, that’s no one. There we go.

Anyway, let’s talk about Matt’s sketch. An officer buying a criminal the red wagon he always wanted for Christmas, but never got? Hm. Can brain injuries cause you to be nicer? Sounds about right to me. You always hear about the negatives of a situation, don’t you? Why is it, you never hear of someone falling off a ladder and giving his house and car to someone so ungrateful, they don’t even talk about it? I’ve seen some very kind tramps in my time, and maybe that’s what happened to them. It’s a very cruel system we have where such generosity is met with such indifference. They should be rewarded, not shunned. Is it because someone giving everything away after a brain injury is perceived as a bit dumb? Very sad, all they want in return is your change and some food!! Anyway, check out the video for yourself, and draw your own conclusions. Is Matt TOO nice?…

Now to change the subject! Usually the brain medication I get is nice and efficient. By that I mean the packing is small, and the tablets are spaced closely together. The other day however, I noticed my meds were largely spaced apart for no apparent reason whatsoever and that I was given extra plastics. I’m trying to work out why. Does someone out there want my meds to avoid each other as much as possible? Sure, you don’t want schizophrenics mingling with each other too much, I know all about that, but medicine?? That’s crazy. It seems the drugs company are giving the finger to the environment in as discreet a way as possible. Why? Who knows? Maybe they’ve gone mad. And if that’s the case, dear God, I’m consuming drugs made by a crazy person. How’s that supposed to make me feel? I’ll tell you: Scared. There we go, blog beefed up. Bye!

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