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Contest blog 60 (Blog 331)

What Matt Jones video have I selected this month? He calls it ‘The Man Child Community’. Very funny. -_- Ideally, I’d like to live in a world where such a concept isn’t funny, but merely everyday life. In a perfect world men-children would be admired and even treated as better than everyone else. Kings among men, if you will. I’m not sure HOW that could happen, I haven’t a clue, but before there was the internet, could most people think of it? Probably not. Just because something may seem strange now, doesn’t mean it can’t happen later. So sensible people watch out. Either that or become one of us, and do a funny dance. Do it now! >:( But yeah, that hasn’t happened yet. Unless you’re talking about men-children admiring other men-children. Perhaps because they have more toys. The genius of Matt is one of his characters does indeed have lots of toys. Am I jealous of the fictional character? If I’m being honest? Yes. Not because I want to play with them, I don’t, but because I wish I did. Now I’m 34, I can’t even think how many toy trucks or cars it would take to make me happy. I think that’s fair enough. ‘Oh you’re buying all these toys cars? Who for? Who’s the lucky boy?… It’s YOU?’ That’s an embarrassing conversation to have and I have had it, just on a small scale. :( (When I bought a fairly rubbish remote control car in my mid 20s if you’re wondering. Still, it looked good when my childhood friend drove it).

For whatever reason Matt’s character tries to eat one of his toys. Why did you do that? He couldn’t fit it all into his mouth, but MAYBE that’s the appeal. Choking on pen lids can kill you, but large cars? Not possible. Once again, Matt is showing his intelligence in a surprising yet logical way. I have a lot to learn from him. I bet the guy wasn’t expecting me to say that. He hasn’t just made an interesting video, he’s pioneering an entire way of life. For a long time I’ve had an idea where I sell simple sticks that are made simply for chewing. I’d call them Simon’s Chewing Sticks. And I’d appear in huge posters where I bite the things giving an enthusiastic thumbs up. It’s genuinely one of my most pondered on ideas. If that makes me a weirdo, fine. Moving on, I have to be honest, I’m writing this blog without Matt’s permission. I’m just assuming he’ll give it to me. If not. Damn. Time wasted and I’ll have to scrap everything. But I’m sure it will be ok, as he’s always let me in the past. Unless he’s ashamed of being a man child? In which case, why make a video about the subject and star in it? Certainly don’t post such a video twice like he did. Anyway, long story short, nice video! Check it out, below!

Now to change the subject! (Only this time not so much, as I have a lot to say on the matter). So, is it morally ok to let men-children in the army? If so, how would you train them? Maybe start small and give them Nerf guns. Then once they’re comfortable with them (oh, they will be, some of them have rapid fire mode - very cool), the sergeants could be like ‘Right! Now what you’ll be handling next will be LIKE Nerf guns, but not QUITE. Their range will be a lot further, and if you get hit by one, imagine yourself getting covered in tomato sauce. Then dying. That’s all that’s different really.’ Again, if that’s ethical, I’m not sure. I mean what if a new recruit says to the sergeant ‘Ha! I’ve never seen a weapon fire a projectile more than a few metres! A metal projectile probably wouldn’t even leave the gun! Look!… … Oh no. Sorry sergeant. I would perform CPR on you, but it looks very messy, and really I’d like my mum to deal with that kind of stuff.’ Then the sergeant’s last act is to kill the rubbish troop. What kind of army is that? And on that thoughtful note, bye! (Oh yes, and I got Matt’s permission!!)

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