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  • deftonesaresuper

Contest Blog 71! (Blog 388)

Hello! I was thinking to myself ‘is there any reason I always post these one-entry competition blogs on the 1st day of the month? Why not just post them whenever I feel like?’ If that’s confusing for you, it hurts me a whole lot more. Few people like others who are hard to understand, no one likes the thought of being confused by themselves! Not good is it? So if you ever find yourself in a mental health waiting room, I say sit next to person talking to himself so you don’t look quite so bad. Anyway, let’s change my prior posting rules, today! In this month’s special Matt Jones day, I will be sharing his video about a dissatisfied McDonald’s customer. The shopper complains the food is rubbish and nowhere near as good as steak. Ridiculous? Well, as no one is in the establishment other than the complainer and the one member of staff, it kind of implies the general population has similar complaints. And if that’s the case, McDonald’s need to update their menu, ASAP.

‘But everyone would be confused by the sudden switch! It would be like approaching someone and them being really happy to see you, then the next minute they’re really angry! I couldn’t cope with such unpredictability!’ Yeah? Well now you know what it’s like when other people are around me. Naturally, you do have to feel a bit bad for the customer, even though he’s clearly disgusted and angry. Maybe he’s just having a bad day, maybe he just wants someone to greet him and give him a smile. Then of course someone like ME comes along and says personality disorders are super powers. How’s that supposed to make him feel? Also in the sketch, the customer buys a McFlurry and asks the staff member to throw it in the bin, simply so there’s just one less McFlurry in the world. However, he’s paying for the thing! Even if he stole a McFlurry, that’s only going to cost the establishment a few pennies, and they earn billions of pounds every year! I hate to break it to him, but he’s exactly the kind of person I’d hang around with in a psych ward. Please, speak your mind.

On closer inspection, it at least seems like no one is outside of the foodery, either. You can’t see the windows too clearly, but again, that’s what it looks like to me. Why could that be? Maybe the customer was so angry he killed everyone. IT’S JUST A BURGER! I mean, who do you think you are? I’m getting real nutjob vibes from you, if it was possible for everyone to produce grade A star food, don’t you think they would! Jeez! I felt sorry for you! My plan was to use you a bit when next in the mental health centre, granted, but I think I was very forgiving. Well not now.

Now, check his video out, below!

Now to change the subject! Speaking of crazy things people say, here are some of the things my friends used to say in college. They weren’t close friends, I had a fear of getting too close to them for obvious reasons, but at very least, I did hang around with them. Here goes: ‘Shizzle my nizzle. Fizzle shizzle, my nizz biz bizzle. Shizzle bizzle shiz biz fizzle’, etc. I’d hear the same things day after day. Why is that ok? They were potentially only one or two years away from a job interview. Say one those people wanted to work in a call centre. They’d be like ‘Hello, shiz biz my bizzle, why are you calling?’ How is that appropriate? If by some miracle one found work as a doctor, they could well end up saying things like ‘Shiz my bizzle! I’m glad your condition was caught so early!’ And then there’s me who couldn’t find any work. How’s that supposed to make ME feel? And on that unhappy note, bye!

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