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Double Blog Extravaganza (Blog 391)

I’m a bit desperate for blog material this month, so I thought I’d blog about washing my car, yesterday. Surely that can’t be done? Right, it can’t, which is why I thought I’d also blog about going for a short ramble afterwards. Making things worse, I think I’ve already blogged about washing my car. Don’t worry though, there’s a twist, not only is my car different this time, for my birthday my dad got me a car cleaning kit! I’m assuming that was to annoy me as it’s not a real present, but it was actually very thoughtful and I’ve used it a number of times already. Ha. In the kit is a car shampoo not just designed for hairy cars but ‘bald’ ones too, like mine is, meaning now I don’t clean my car with washing up liquid like I used to. Also in the kit is a cool item that makes car tires look really shiny, another type of cleaning fluid for the windows, a cloth for washing the metal, a cloth for drying the windows, and a leather cloth you have to get wet then dry out a bit for drying the rest of the car. Why you have to do that, I don’t know. I don’t think I’ve ever heard of a cloth that could be described as ‘enigmatic’. Well, I have such a cloth. It wasn’t the best birthday I’ve ever had, those days are gone, but it was perhaps my most practical birthday of all time.

Talking of days gone but in a more positive way, my mood SHOULD be picking up around this time of year at it has done for as long as I can remember, but what if it doesn’t?? Then I’m stuck. Not in an awful mood, but certainly not in a good one and I’ll have to do some very funny things to make myself better. Spraying myself with Lynx and sniffing myself boosts my mood for a few seconds, but sniff too long and you die. I find if I drink water really quickly that boosts my mood, but drink too much water and you die. Why does it seem like everything I like makes me die?? What’s particularly depressing is the fact that stuff doesn’t really even do that much for me. Dear God. Not to worry, though, I’m sure I will be fine. Anyway, how did the car washing go? Not bad! I did indeed wash it and dry it. Oh yes, and I hosed it before I dried it, too. I forgot to mention the hose. Does that matter? If so, you’re either autistic or beyond nosey. I did make my car look reasonably shiny, but there are hundreds of tiny black dots on the roof of my car and I don’t know what they are. I can remove one by one by scratching them off with my nail, but say it take 5 seconds to remove one dot, and there are 250 dots. The whole job would take around 20 minutes! So screw it.

Now the walk! (Well, the drive to the park and then the walk - the fact I drove does need to be pointed out, because if I didn’t some of the following writing wouldn’t make sense. Expert writing from me there, yet again). On my travels, a fellow rambler had a dog and the dog ran up to me. Then the rambler said something like ‘tell the dog to go away if it’s annoying you’. It wasn’t annoying me, but the rambler was. He wasn’t doing anything wrong, but again, I was just in a not so good a mood. Fine, it was partially my fault. Almost all my fault, but not 100%. Anyway, does that mean it’s ok with him if I tell HIM to go away? Maybe if it was my last day alive, I could test things out. Many people fear their last days alive obviously, so do I, but they are filled with possibilities and an end to many curiosities. So be positive. Ever seen Groundhog Day? A fantastical film, but not completely impossible. I’ll tell you what film is possible, though: Fun film Jingle All the Way, always shown in the festive season. Well it’s mostly possible with all the presents, the flying man not so much at least, yet. I have seen people with jet packs on Youtube, but sadly most people can’t buy them yet. Just another reason to be positive about upcoming Christmas and indeed jet packs!

Back to the walk, I nearly trod on a good TWO dog turds, which annoyed me. Though having said that, if they were half-heartedly ‘cleaned’ up (as they often are, especially if cleaned up by me), I guess I could have missed the smaller bits of poo and trod in them. The only solution I can think of is to fully hose the affected ground down. Not practical, but another good reason to appreciate the rain. As explained in one of my interviews, I don’t control the rain, BUT if I did I could certainly make a good case to make it rain with enough thought. Just give me a chance! Oh yeah, I don’t control rain. Whoops. On the drive back, I noticed a fly on my arm. What if it was a mosquito trying to thieve some of my blood? I took no chances and flicked it off. Apparently flies can feel happiness and sadness, so you shouldn’t really kill them for the sake of it. However, in self-defence, that’s fine, I think. Right, blog over! Hopefully my next one won’t be so depressing!

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