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Early Christmas Mega Time (Blog 411)

For either a complex or nonsensical reason I don’t understand, me, my dad and my brother’s family celebrated Christmas yesterday! Before the latter visited me and my pa, I ate some Chinese leftovers. As I got three fortune cookies with the meal, I’m assuming the chefs thought I was ordering for three people. It was a large order. Similarly to not too long ago, all for me. Christmas is the time for sharing, but what about Christmas Eve? If so, I didn’t know, so I don’t feel bad for eating everything. The fortune cookies were good by the way. I agreed with every bit of psychic wisdom. 5 stars. I know the insights are supposed to be vague and appeal to everyone, but they did boost my mood because they were so positive. I’ve never come across a negative fortune cookie that appeals to everyone, such as ‘one day you will die’. That would be a bit of a downer obviously, but it would make the happier messages even happier. In contrast, I mean. After the tasty munchables, me and my dad went shopping. As he was paying, I got a good £20 worth of fruit for free. A very smart move from me, there. Naturally, I got plenty of chocs too!

After that, I drove to Chobham Common for an epic, solo walk. In one of the only times in my life, I brought my mobile with me so I could check on home to see if my brother arrived early. If he’s capable of celebrating a good day earlier than normal, he can arrive hours before he said he would as well. But in theory I had a few hours of rambling before he drove to my home. Bringing the phone wasn’t a problem for the most part, but it was when I walked on the back of a countryside bench much like a tight rope walker, fell off and dropped my device. Oh no. I took a chance living life on the edge and it backfired. I didn’t break it did I? Thank God I just made it a bit muddy. Soon enough I needed to pee. I know it’s wrong if you pee in public, but is it wrong if you pee in the countryside? I have no idea. I had a conversation with the police in my mind, and in my mind they charged me with a crime, so I’d have to wait until I got home. However, nice breeze! Great weather for the time of year!

By the time I got into my car, I didn’t need to pee as much, possibly suggesting it was all in my mind? Either that or my pee left my bladder and went into my bloodstream or something else weird, but I certainly wasn’t feeling ill like you’d expect if that happened, so I was probably completely fine. When I got home, I saw my brother’s game had been delivered. That was good in a way, but if it wasn’t yet posted, that would have been a good excuse to visit my brother’s family after he visited me. I could drop the gift off at HIS house and find an excuse to stay there and party harder. But it wasn’t to be. And the game was left by the door! Oh post my CDs and crack the cases, but not my brother’s gifts! How’s that fair?? A little later on, I thought I saw the doorbell-light flashing, suggesting my family arrived but no one was at the door. Oh no, I must have hallucinated. Nope, it was my dodgy bedroom light flickering. Phew.

I technically had time to wrap my sibling’s present up, but I kind of wanted to type up my notes that would become this blog and watch Youtube. At the end of the day, I really don’t think it matters to him. Having said  that, wrapped presents do mean something to me, obviously. When my family did arrive, my dad showed everyone two cans attached to a bit of string that can be used as a ‘phone’. Not state of the art, a bit rubbish even, borderline pointless, but apparently speaking into the DIY item does amplify sound a bit. BUT… who cares? I’m assuming my dad was trying to be fun demonstrating the thing, but it came across as random and creepy. As everyone’s voice could be heard even without the thing as the string was only a few metres long and everyone was really nearby, it really wasn’t impressive at all.

Soon after THAT, everyone opened their presents! Apart from me that was, but I was sure I’d be joining in soon. Lots of presents were opened in fact and chocolates were shared. I knew why I would be opening my presents early, it was because I wouldn’t be celebrating tomorrow for whatever reason. My brother’s family on the other WOULD be celebrating the day after without me, so they were probably just impatient! I gave my youngest niece her toy and was hoping for appreciation but she just stared at me in silence. I know who my favourite relatives are, it’s not her. -_- My dad handled my cards, was about to distribute them, and said he couldn’t read my writing! It was so clear! He was like ‘is that an I’? It was the least vague I I’ve ever seen, it was nothing but a straight line and a capital too, the problem is with his eyes. At around that time, those old enough to do so drank a variety of alcoholic drinks. I was asked if I wanted one, but I said I’d be driving later, which was true, but the main reason was possible brown patches on my face and I didn’t want to explain.

I told my brother about the lengthy CD alphabetising business that I will soon have to endure and I said it would probably save more time if I categorised my CDs. Of course alphabetisation IS categorising which probably caused confusion. I meant categorising by genre. I’m just saying if there was a thrash section, classic metal section etc., that way alphabetising wouldn’t be too bad. I just wish I made that clear at the time. As time went by I was thinking to myself ‘my brother’s forgot my presents!’ However, in the end he gave me some CDs and a mystery box he bought for ten pounds. In the box were five unknown, random items and after doing some Googling, their value totalled at at least £30! Not such a smart business move there for the company. The mini statue in the box alone was worth £20, I put it on my shelf. I guess my keys could do with some spicing up, so I put the Harry Potter key chain on my door openers. The beer mat looks perfectly reasonable I guess, but I don’t think I’m ever going to play the card game as I don’t understand it! All in all a pretty good mystery box. Other than maybe the bandana that looks like it was designed for thugs. Thugs who love Harry Potter and playing lighthearted card games.

When everyone left, I went for a 2nd walk somewhere else. It was mostly without incident until I saw a lone dog. It didn’t seem to be threatening, thank God, but as it was dark I wasn’t 100% sure. If it decided to run towards me, my best bet would be to headbutt it and hope for the best. If that wouldn’t work, I’d be pretty screwed. Not to worry, I soon saw the owner. Two words: Dog lead! When I got home, it took over an hour and a quarter to sort my TWELVE CDs out. Tiring stuff. As I had Home Alone 2 playing in the background it wasn’t too boring, though. Lots of ows! and ARRGHS! were heard. Nothing too deep, but having seen the film before I could imagine the visuals as I did my sorting. The injuries sustained weren’t survivable which kind of made me respect the criminals getting attacked in a weird way. But I’m sure that’s not how the film was supposed to be taken, if so, a strange film. After that I listened to Milk Teeth whilst watching someone play F Zero 99 on Youtube. It really is a crazy game! And that’s it! Bye!

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