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  • deftonesaresuper

Everything’s Going Wrong (Well Two Things Went Wrong) (Blog 209)

On Wednesday I went to the gym. Pretty standard, right? No! First of all, why is there a safety warning on the hiking machine saying only use if trained? How hard is it to simply pedal? Isn’t that crazy? It gets worse. I wanted to know what it was like sprinting on its easiest setting and turns out pretty damn easy to start, but not so easy to stop. You have to wrestle with a large and sturdy contraption to simply slow it down from a hundred miles and hour to let’s say, fifty. Consequently, I flew off the thing and the next day I found I had a sprained ankle. I guess I did need to be trained to use it. Whoops. Well actually maybe training would be a bit excessive. How about simply saying ‘don’t sprint on the lowest setting’. That would save time. In fact why not get rid of the lowest setting altogether? Not only is it dangerous (to curious people like me) you don’t even burn that many calories on it. Just why?

I didn’t want my injury to stop me though! On Thursday morning I still had plans to go to the gym and take on my mechanical and electronic nemesis. Maybe I could damage it in a weird form of revenge. Then again if I did, I’d get banned and I’m already pushing my luck working out ten to fifteen minutes longer than I’m supposed to. :S Before the gym appointment that I may have needed to cancel, I backed up my blog, monologue files, etc. by copying them from my old computer (actually it’s over 10 years old, so it’s very old) and onto my new one. I was a little concerned they could be switched so easily over a network. I wondered if governments could access my files just as easily. Luckily I have no terrorist documents on any of my computers, whatsoever, so I only need to worry about hackers who want to plagiarise me. Phew. Why did I back up my files? Because my computer went senile on me and kept crashing. In fact it’s still crashing on me. Quite frankly, I’m scared. :(

Amazingly, shortly after everything was sorted out, I did indeed go to the gym whilst still in pain. :O You may be surprised to learn that things weren’t too bad for me if I machine-hiked without putting to much pressure on my foot and worked out more with my body and arms. Did you think I was a fool? I guess you owe me an apology. Sadly the rowing machine was more unforgiving so I didn’t use that quite so much. You beat me, rowing machine. On the way back home, I stopped off at a petrol station and bought myself some noodles. I asked if they could be eaten cold and I’m sure it was assumed I couldn’t figure out how to heat them up. Not true, I like lots of food cold. So joke’s on them. I was considering buying one of those well priced curries I talked about a while ago, especially as the station was a different place I usually get the things. I’m known down the old place for buying the foods all the time and people are starting to laugh at me. Again, I don’t know why. Is buying lots of curries a source of comedy? A weird sitcom theme, that’s for sure. Bye!

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