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  • deftonesaresuper

Ill! (Blog 351)

On Saturday I really wanted to go to gym, but I was aching quite a bit because of gym abuse. Of course I don’t abuse the people there or the gym itself however you do that, I’m just saying I overdo things sometimes. Having said that, there probably are some gym members who are perfectly capable of at least hitting people. What can I say? I just love the gym. And you can’t really overdose on something good for you right? In comparison, apparently it would take about 400 bananas to kill you. ‘But that’s ridiculous, who would eat that many bananas?’ Right. No actually, you may want to visit Youtube. I’m just saying there are some crazy videos. Yes, I’ve just contradicted myself. Cool. Anyway, I could do it, I could put the aching pain to the back of my mind and I could exercise at least relatively normally. Right? When my working out routine was finally over after about one hour and 45 minutes, I left for home. I wasn’t feeling a boost like I usually do, instead I felt pretty rough. Not to worry, I’d be feeling better in a couple of hours maybe? I wouldn’t know, I’m not a doctor. You’d think I’d make a good psychiatrist because I have a neat collection of disorders myself, but apparently not, that makes things worse.

To pass the time in my bedroom, as I came up with more jokes that let’s face it were a bit weird, I watched a film called The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society. Does that sound comical to you? The thing is whilst there were funny moments (mainly a character saying the film’s amusing title), it was also a war drama too. Someone got shot in the movie, that’s not funny. Google says the film ‘sadly isn’t based on real events.’ Sadly’? Someone got shot! I like the Terminator films, but I don’t like them enough that I want them to happen. Jeez. When the film was finished I ordered myself a curry, but shhhhh, after I took the meal home, I found I was given an extra portion of rice I didn’t order, and I got it for free. A great feeling, it made me feel like a real man. Superman if you will. Maybe I did feel a bit better for a while, but the roughness was back with a vengeance after going to bed. It was hard to sleep and I woke up at 3 AM feeling pretty bad and it was pretty painful to swallow, too. Not to worry, I just swallow less often? I tried, but turns out hardly ever swallowing is far more painful than swallowing frequently. I was stuck.

Because I tried my best to wrap up warm in my duvet, I was sweating like hell. Maybe I should have drank more water, but again, it hurt to swallow. Karma for eating illegal rice? As in ‘Ahhh, you like rice?? Try eating it now! Powned.’ When I got out of bed at about 8 AM, swallowing didn’t hurt anymore, but feeling super groggy, I did go back to bed until about 10 AM, as I watched Youtube videos. After that, I ate my leftovers and extra rice, making feel a bit better and debunking the karma theory. Usually eating when you’re ill makes you feel worse, right? Weird. 10:30 and I’m not feeling that bad. Not GREAT, but not bad. I’ve stolen one of my dad’s Strepsils, and the packet says not to overdose on them. They really are delicious, but I think I’ll be ok. Thank God I can think of no medicines that taste like Papa John’s pizza, as I couldn’t resist them. Straight onto the stomach pump. Wow, that Strepsil really was quite powerful, it’s worked! Ok, good, it has a bit of a funny aftertaste, not making me too keen to have another one. I wonder it’s that intentional. Now it’s Sunday, will I be going to the gym tomorrow? Hm. I don’t know, but probably. Only joking, I have no idea at the moment. Ok, it’s 11 AM and I’m feeling worse again.

It’s 1 PM and after another Strepsil, I think I’ll be ok. I could definitely do with a kip but one certainly isn’t essential. I’m clearly very up and down much like an infected yoyo, but I’m definitely through the worst of it now. What have we learnt in this blog? Normal people shouldn’t get too much from it, but those who are somewhat lacking in common sense, remember this: Know your limits and don’t eat too many cough sweets. I don’t know what will happen if you do, but if a product says not to use too much of it, don’t. Unless maybe the company are being clever and are trying to make you want something more by telling you you can’t have much?? But why would products tell you to contact your doctor if you’ve eaten too many, if they’re harmless? A bit of a low thing for a company to do. Oh no. Could Strepsils sue me for such comments?? They definitely sound sueable, to me. So I take them back! (Is that all I have to do? Seems a bit easy). Anyway, Strepsils are great! Bye!

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