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Jumbo Jet Proof (Blog 329)

I have previously talked about how it seems that loud jumbo jets fly over my house, just as I’m listening to cool sections of a song, and not when I’m listening to forgettable moments, just to annoy me. Yes, it would be a huge and certainly complicated operation, but it does genuinely seem to be what’s been happening. Well, it’s time for me to prove things. In this blog, I will listen to music and note down when a plane flies over head. THIS should be interesting. Let’s go!

I start listening to Santana’s ‘Shapeshifter’ album at 10:00 AM, Saturday 24th September.


A jumbo jet flies over at start of song ‘Dom’ - the quietest part!! It literally couldn’t have happened at a worse time! Oh my word, this blog really is onto something!


A plane flies over as a song ends and fades away. Hm, not too bad, as it’s one of the dullest sections. As I’ve always said, fadeouts are lazy. A like minded pilot agrees with me and is on my side? Nope, medications help with thoughts like THAT. However, the start of the next song is interrupted too. It begins with a nice melody sure, but to be fair, not the very best part of the song and the tune gets repeated anyway. This blog is 100% scientific, don’t think I’ll try and twist things. On the contrary, I genuinely am interested in finding out the truth. I have been for years!!


Huh. A plane flies over at another insignificant moment. Let’s hope a debunked jumbo jet theory doesn’t make me look foolish!


A plane flies over during a solo, the best part of the song! You see! I’m not mad! Though to be fair, most of the song is solo.


A plane flies over more noodling. Again, the song is basically just solo. Really I should listen to another album.


I put on ‘The Drums’ LP by The Drums on Youtube. Even though I have it on CD! Crazy right? You’d think someone who spends so much time working out wouldn’t be quite so lazy. A plane flies mostly over the largely boring instrumental section of the song ‘Best Friend!’ Dammit!


Aha! A jet flies over JUST BEFORE the (mostly) boring (mostly) instrumental section of Skippin’ Town! Why not during it, huh???


A skycraft flies over right at the end of ‘Forever and Ever, Amen’ and through the rubbish adverts on Youtube! A perfect place to fly over! Oh God, no!


No plane flies over song ‘Down by the Water’, even though I hate it. -_-


A cloud traveller flies over another relatively dull instrumental section, of ‘It Will All End in Tears’ BUT over some cool lyrics too. I told you.


A plane flies over another song’s end! And the instrumental start of ‘We Tried’! This is super embarrassing.


A plane flies over the chorus of ‘We Tried’, my favourite part of the song. There you go.


A skyskimmer flies over as I was getting a glass of water. Possibly even less annoying than flying over adverts, as to be honest, some are good. Have you seen that Dominos advert where a slice of pizza gets taken and you see the cheese stretching? That’s the stuff I live for.


For the sake of variety let’s listen to something else. Time to put on the Ace of Spades album!


An air traveller flies over through most of the AoS guitar solo! One of the best solos on the album! Though really they’re all roughly the same. But in a good way.


It’s happened again! Another solo missed on ‘Love Me Like a Reptile’? Well, half a solo, at least. If I was being reasonable, I’d point out that solos make up quite large portions of the album, much like Santana. As I said, this blog IS fair. Apparently based on paranoid if not full-blown delusional thoughts, but I know what I’ve heard.


A gravity defier flies over the fade out of a song, AND at the start of an (uninteresting) advert. Could barely matter any less. -_-


A upwards vehicle flies over another guitar break. Have you noticed how there have been more planes recently? I put on a CD with lots of highlights, and that happens… You see?


I know, I’ll put on ‘Stream of Consciousness’ by Dream Theater. That has very clear highlights, rather than being same in quality like much of the prior music…


Ok, no plane flew over the epic guitar solo.


Or the not quite so epic keyboard solo.


NOW there’s a plane. Yep, over one of the dullest parts of the song.


You got my Ryan Air or whatever your name is. Another good place to fly over. Well done.


Ok, now I’ll put on ‘Empire of the Clouds’, by Iron Maiden. That has clear highlights too, but this time most of the song is rubbish, imo. I’ve given it lots and lots of tries in the hope of it growing on me, but let’s face it - Many Maiden fans have no taste. I hate to sound arrogant, but they need to be told what’s good. By me!!


A plane flies over almost straight away, over that weedy piano part. Couldn’t give a flip.


A plane flies over a boring vocal melody. Still, Bruce has a nice voice for his age. It’s something. He sounds wise. :)


A plane flies over the rubbish chord stab section. Although, the guitar riffs that follow aren’t quite as bad and some of them get missed or at least spoiled by the plane. But when I say ‘aren’t quite as bad’, they still suck a little.


The guitar solos have passed without interruption. They were all that really mattered in this song. Again, some people need to be told. It’s not pretentiousness on my part, it’s education. Ok, no one ever really took many guitar lessons from me because they hated them, but those people were very clearly freaks.


Now there’s a plane. Once again, not an issue as so-so sections are playing on my computer.


Ooh, there’s another solo. Let’s see if this one goes by without being ruined… Yep.


A plane flies over a weird instrumental section with odd melodies.


A plane flies over another boring section.


Ok, that’ll do, experiment over. So, what have we learnt? Either I was being full blown schizo when I claimed flying companies scheduled their flights at precisely the most annoying times of the day for me alone, OR they’re on to me and have have got their act together, just for today. If anything, today’s analysis at least seems to show that planes usually fly over at good times. Humiliating for me, definitely, but I’m still not letting go of my old theory. Bye!

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