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  • deftonesaresuper

Life as a Free Man! (Bog 290)

Remember when I set an alarm off when trespassing in a very small construction zone to save time? I still haven’t been contacted by the police. Great stuff. What I forget to mention was a small family saw the whole incident and it made me look really shifty, to put it mildly. But that’s in the past. So what’s life like as a free man? Is it good? Actually I’m expecting this month to be very dull, but on the plus side, I shouldn’t be TOO anxious. I’m not completely free of troubles though, I still don’t like opening my mail. Maybe the police are still taking their time with grammar issues, and don’t want to send me a list of felonies I’ve committed that comes across as rushed/lazy. Who knows? I’ve never really liked opening letters as they basically never give me any good news, it’s just boring and annoying stuff I have to deal with. I got a Christmas card from my auntie and my fascinating and legendary uncle, but despite all his achievements and all the great things he’s offered to society, (many of them unbelievable) I basically only want to hear from him if he gives me money, which he didn’t. :(

During the festive period, I was thinking that even a January lockdown would be ok, as the holiday would be so much fun, everything would be fine in the short term at least. By that I mean after a good time, you don’t (necessarily) feel terrible immediately do you? Your mood gradually fades. (Maybe). Sadly that’s not the case with me at least, but I haven’t exactly had a massive crash where I no longer enjoy anything, because no one is partying any more, either. Ok, as expected, I’ve got just a little bit tired of petrol station potato tots and potato wedges, but I still like them so again, not a huge disaster. Life’s just a bit dull. I wouldn’t say I’m at the very bottom of the hierarchy of needs, but having Googled it, for now I appear to be at the second lowest level, which is disappointing. Perhaps because of that, I’m having issues with sugar addiction again. It really does seem to be a lifelong battle I will never win.

As I had what I feared would be an emergency dental checkup as recently as last October, that means my usual January appointment will be postponed to April, (because I go to the dentist’s twice a year). Therefore, I can’t write about that for now, either. It may just be my imagination, but my usual dentist seems to do a better job at demankifying my teeth than my latest health care worker did, so the other day I phoned the tooth company and asked if it would be my old teeth-hacker who would be cleaning me up in the near future. Turns out it won’t be. Even though I didn’t use those exact words, I must have sounded very random with my question, and making things worse the phone call was being recorded. (That sounds ominous, but everyone gets recorded). Luckily I explained why I was phoning in the end, so it wasn’t too bad.

As I’m getting a typical dental checkup by my more trusted dentist immediately after my hygiene appointment, my plan is to get him to look at my teeth and see if they can be improved. If so, at very least the dentists owe me a proper hygiene session. I mean it’s not exactly my fault if the nurses can’t do their job properly is it? (I think it’s probably best to say they almost certainly can, but then again, I’m not giving names, so maybe I can say what I want? E.g. the staff are all penguins who feed on human flesh). Personally, I’d have thought the checkup would have preceded the hygiene appointment as if I had the checkup first, the dentist could say I didn’t need a mouth wash and I could go home. I pointed out how the things should be reversed on the phone, but I didn’t give my reasoning, so maybe I sounded random again.

On another plus, as I’ve been eating 200 grams of dates almost every day over the last three months or so, my problems with constipation caused by my medication have seemingly completely gone away. It’s a shame my psychiatrist hasn’t asked me about those symptoms lately, as I could at least say SOMETHING positive to her. Dates are actually much better than laxatives in that they don’t go OTT and give you rather intense experiences, let’s say. As the old joke modified by me goes, laughter isn’t the best medicine it’s dates. It’s actually incredibly dangerous to go around thinking laughing will heal you, no matter what your condition is. (Other than depression, maybe). I also puts drops of my brother’s Christmas spices on my food on a regular basis, and that probably helps too. So I’m not in jail OR constipated! Really I should be feeling more positive, but again, I’m a bit bored. On the subject of super hot chillies, Carolina reapers and such evolved so no one in their right mind would ever go near them. I guess not now, now people give them to other people to eat as a joke. Powned. That’s it! Bye!

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