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  • deftonesaresuper

More Dental Misery? (Blog 368)

So, I went to the dentist yesterday! I can’t say I was looking forward to it, but ahhhhhhhh it’s all over now. I seem to find I’m less effected by spicy foods when I’m in a bad mood. By that logic, would I be able to handle more dental pain if I was in a similar mood? Luckily at the time of getting ready to leave for the place, just significantly earlier than I had to, I was indeed in a fairly bad mood. I just don’t like sunny weather. Who knows why? Was my frame of mind a blessing in disguise?? You’ll find out soon. Believe it or not, immediately after leaving my house my mood picked up because of the breeze (yes my mental state changes easily), but later on the sun came out more and you can guess the rest. When in the town of my teeth tormentors, I visited two local charity shops. Simply Red’s debut album (their best album, apparently) for 25p? Can’t go wrong there. Yet again I also saw numerous copies of ‘Monster’ by REM (funny because I read that the album often found its way in such places).

I saw an album by Son of Dork too, I actually knew the bassist well from school. He drew a cartoonish picture for me I still have to this day, it said ‘pube’ on it! True story, I wonder if it’s worth any money. I didn’t buy the album though, too silly. There were clocks in both charity shops? How’s that for peace of mind? There was no clock in the dentist waiting area though, so I never knew when my punishment was coming, much like the death penalty in Japanese prisons, I believe. In the same area, I noticed a 15 year old girl was wearing an Aerosmith t-shirt which surprised me as the band are very old even for me. The faith has been defended VERY well. Something to lighten the mood of impending doom. Eventually my name was called and I had to face my situation. First there would be a checkup, then there would be a hygiene appointment. :S

First up, I was informed that my teeth were very good! I was still told my latest filling will need replacing in 6 months, but still very happy. As long as it doesn’t randomly fall out at just the wrong moment, I imagine seeing that would freak most people out. There’s nothing much more to say about that, so I’ll move on! In the next phase of the visit, the more teeth-scrapey one, actually it was very noticeably less painful than last time, though that could be because my teeth were in such fine shape. Some stuff to numb the pain was rubbed on my gums, but I had the same stuff last time and I’m not sure if it made any difference. So there you go, maybe it is best if you go the dentist whilst in a bad mood. I should write a paper on it. When everything was over, it turned out I didn’t need to give my medical details, but I still would have saved time if I did it in person rather than online.

I arranged another meeting for 6 months, and crucially I got a printed out record, so there would be no need to repeatedly phone up to check the right time! Super cool. Also, the next meeting will be on a Monday. I very carelessly took a risk last time when I arranged for the visit to be on Tuesday as there would be a 50/50 chance I couldn’t make it. Badass right? Actually I didn’t realise that at the time, I forgot. I was told not to eat for 30 minutes, but not to worry that was pretty much the exact time it took for me to walk to my car, drive home and wait for my hash browns to be cooked in the petrol station. All in all a pretty successful day! The following gym session was mostly without incident, but after over an hour I realised I was wearing my shirt inside out. But wasn’t that the fashion for a while? As the clothes were grey and featureless I don’t think anyone noticed for the most part, but I think they did when I did. Don’t worry though I didn’t wear it to the dentist, I wore it at the gym as it’s the stuff I don’t mind getting sweaty. That’s something, bye!

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