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More Mini Trains! (Blog 308)

Yesterday, me and my dad met up with my brother, his wife and two mini children at a local mini railway station. Again. The main difference was it wasn’t fully opened, but a small group of people were allowed to ride the mini trains to ‘test’ them. Sounds rubbish? Well they were pretty thorough tests, so basically the day was no different to any other, it was just quieter. As that meant far less queuing, I can’t really think of any drawbacks, other than if a train derailed, the staff could say ‘I warned you.’ How would you respond to that? The whole point of tests is that you don’t really know what’s going to happen. Of course that doesn’t mean the staff have the right to say ‘(expletive) ‘em’, I’m just saying there’s a risk, no? On another note, I noticed something I didn’t before, and that was there was a section of rail called ‘the jungle route’ or whatever, and it was decorated with toy tigers AND penguins. Kind of like a family friendly bloodbath. How would a penguin defend itself, exactly? And of course, penguins don’t live in the jungle, only making their attempts at survival or even plain thinking all the more difficult.

Again, as it was so quiet, riding the tracks a good three times was no problem, so we did. Whether that was kindness from the staff, or just further evidence that their safety standards were uncertain, I don’t know. Maybe they were thinking ‘we HAVE to be sure everything is ok, so keep checking’ and ‘if it’s not safe, we can just tell everyone they were being greedy.’ Of course greed isn’t an excuse for criminal negligence/manslaughter, but it’s still frowned upon, and it’s not so hard to brainwash families with very small children. Had there been businessmen and lawyers with suitcases, etc. maybe the event runners wouldn’t have been quite so generous. Maybe they would have shut the place down and burned all the evidence (all the trains, etc.) but that’s just a theory. Seems a bit extreme and very hard to explain to lawyers of all people. When not riding, sensible family chatting was enjoyed. My brother showed off the mega ship he’d be holidaying in, in the summer, and I have to say, I will be missing out. It was massive. In fact, it can hold almost all of the population of the town I live in. Imagine the town you live in, floating around the world for several days. THAT’S mental.

My brother also recommended me what is apparently the best burger place ever. It’s called 7Bone and it’s even better than GBK. ‘But GBK are awesome!’ That’s what I was thinking, but he proved himself reliable when he said GBK are better than Five Guys. Couldn’t agree more. Not thorough proof, but it’s good enough for me. I also enjoyed a Magnum ice cream during such conversations. Yep, it’s happened again. I see an ice cream I don’t have to pay for, and I can’t say no, even if it was my idea. On a less dark note, my brother’s mini baby seemed to enjoy been spoon fed his ice cream. It being less dark as he had no teeth to rot, and it wasn’t really his choice whether he got the food or not. When you’re older and should in theory have the power to reject something but just can’t, that’s far more disturbing. It could even suggest there’s no such thing as free will, turning the justice system completely on its head. Is anyone really guilty of crimes? Ice creams could suggest no. I’m not saying that’s what I believe, but it is food (lol) for thought. I pointed out how the sun kept coming out then going away, meaning I never knew if I should put on my jumper I had wrapped around my waist or not. Very funny.

After all that stuff, my brother invited me and my dad round his house. Shortly after that, the three of us walked to the local shop where I was offered beer. One bottle should be fine, but I still had to be aware of me becoming too relaxed and tripping over my shoes. Not disastrous, sure, BUT I’m supposed to be setting a good example to the young ones. I don’t want them thinking I’m on the same level. I’m not saying I’m morally better than them, but I am in terms of intelligence and life experience. But they were back in the home, so I guess that didn’t matter. I also pointed out that Lewis Hamilton isn’t very good any more, so if he’s reading this (fingers crossed), hopefully he’ll take note and get his act together. Worth a try. I also told my sibling how I planned to get an RPG maker for my birthday. Really looking forward to that. Here’s some more dialogue for you to enjoy: ‘Would you like some of these meds, chum?’ ‘What do they do?’ ‘Nothing!’ ‘Why would I want them then?’ ‘Because you don’t need anything else. You’re perfect. ;)’ ‘Thank you!’ (Then you get a message saying ‘plecebos acquired. Value: Nothing’). ‘You didn’t really buy those drugs off that smooth talker? He’s an asshole.’ ‘How’s he in business, then?' 'You know what those ‘meds’ are made from? Grass. He can afford to do nothing all day and rip off people like yourself. You gullible twat.’

When in my brother’s abode, he showed off his super-hyper remote control car my niece liked to chase. I had a go on it, but I repeatedly rammed her so I had to stop. Not enough to cause injury or pain, but again, it’s good to show that adults are in charge and competent. Otherwise, children may think they’re on the same level as you in terms of wisdom, making it genuinely seem like everything has gone to hell to an outsider. (A fear worth repeating). The children would grow up to be unusually responsible I’m sure, which would be cool maybe even resulting in a lesser work load for me, but very risky. I then observed some chocolate that I bought everyone for Easter. Argh! Too much! And I kept getting offered them again and again. It would be rude not to eat some, so I did. THAT’S a situation where you’re completely trapped. What could I do? Run away? First up I looked like I was on an infant’s same level, then I look dangerously insane. I’m scared of CHOCOLATE? How am I supposed to handle legit stressors, such as paying the bills?? I’d have to go to a special home, again. But I didn’t run away, so now I’m mostly fine, just loaded with sugar. That was the day, basically. Bye!

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