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  • deftonesaresuper

New Blog and Train Terror (Blog 170)

As you can see, I have a new blog! I never asked for it or wanted it, I was forced to add it by Wix, but I guess it does have a pretty nifty subscribe link that can easily be found. (It’s no longer necessary to tell people to keep scrolling down, repeatedly). Unfortunately however, there’s no quick way to access old posts, you have to keep scrolling and scrolling, yep for a new reason, this time. That’s one reason I haven’t deleted my repeating old blog, but the main reason is it just feels wrong. Do I really want to risk deleting a whole page and never getting it back? It’s like putting your pen drive in the rubbish bin in Macs so you can safely remove them. It’s a horrible feeling.

Another feature of my new blog, is that it says how many hits I’m getting. Some of my entries have apparently only ever been read once. I’m not QUITE sure what’s going on there, as I’m certain I’m getting at least a little more views to put it mildly, but maybe one day I’ll find out what’s going on. There is one blog of mine that I hope gets forgotten, however - Blog 113, my super contest blog. For whatever reason, it didn’t get duplicated automatically, so I had to add it by hand. Only when I did so, there were no spaces, and it read like a huge mass of words. I corrected my post up till about half way, which took about an hour, as my internet was slow, due do auto saving after every damn space! Then I went out, hoping to do the rest later. I did indeed try to, but it didn’t save and I lost my work. So then I thought ‘screw it’. Sure having a tainted blog is not cool, but I’m really fed up with it.

On another note, in previous blogs I mentioned my fear of missing the last train home and getting stranded. Well, last Tuesday that fear came true due to damn protesting train drivers/rail workers/whatever. I assumed the altered route to London Waterloo would be the same back home, just in reverse, but unfortunately, I only made it half way home. I pressed the train assistance button or whatever it’s called in the station and it was explained to me I was completely screwed. I asked for a number of a taxi company, but I didn’t have a pen, so I couldn’t write it down. Apparently the worker wasn’t allowed to phone a taxi for me, either. Now I know why the workers don’t get paid well. Basically they suck.

Ok then, I’d either have to walk home, which would take many hours even if I knew how to get there, or live as a homeless person until the trains would be running at around 6:30 the next morning. Perhaps not a terrifying thought, considering my fondness for extreme sleeping, (sleeping with the windows open in freezing weather), but how would that make me look? I have to visit my psychiatrist every now and then for checkups, and that's the exact kind of behaviour they would be extremely concerned about. Not to worry though, as by some miracle, I noticed a taxi company nearby. (To be honest, it was right in front of me, and I should have went there before pestering helplines). Long story short, I got home with the added comfort of nice seats and more interesting road views. Phew!

A few days later (today), I got a message from my Google adverts company saying I needed to update my website code, so my adverts could run properly. Aaaargh!!! I HATE working with codes, I’m not a programmer am I?? I thought all that nonsense was over with the first time I got my monetisation sorted out, I thought I could move on! About an hour and a half of reading, re-reading and re-re-reading of instructions took place and to no avail. If anything I was getting super angry as I felt like a complete code noob. (And the worst thing is, that’s exactly what I am. -_-). I was considering dangerous trial and error and screwing up my site with things that looked like code but really weren’t, but I saw sense, and asked an online help forum. They told me not to worry, as I had the right code in the first place, all those months ago and the alarming message I received was an error. Phew again! Still annoying I wasted so much time, though. But again, I didn’t have to tramp it out.

That’s all from me! I’m sorry I had to end on a bit of a mundane anecdote, but I insisted to myself I’d get something out of my struggles. I guess I kinda did. Bye!

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