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  • deftonesaresuper

New Shoes! (In Staines) (Blog 371)

I needed new shoes because they ones I wear to gym are finally starting to fall apart. If that wasn’t bad enough, I’ve lost their soles and consequently I now have a sore and hardened big toe. So I went to Staines to get more shoes if the title wasn’t clear enough for you. If it genuinely wasn’t, how about a hug? It’s ok. Right, in the car park I paid 30p too much for a ticket because I didn’t read the instructions well enough/couldn’t be bothered to, and I was actually told by the machine I overspent. Even better, I got my pennies back! In the past the excess money was simple taken from me forever. >:( As I planned to go shopping on a Sunday, I took a bit of a risk as I knew some shops wouldn’t be open. I knew a toy shop would be closed, but obviously for a 34 year old man, that’s not too big an issue. You’d hope anyway. Some toy cars do look pretty neat.

As I approached the shoe shop, it looked like there were people inside of it, but sadly the windows were just reflecting an image of the people behind me and it was closed. Dammit. And if you’re curious, no I didn’t see an image of myself. So yeah, I didn’t think I was in the shop and out of it at the same time. I asked a worker in a neighbouring business if the shop I was interested in would be opening soon. She said she didn’t know which was hard to believe. Whether she couldn’t face the guilt or had a sudden epiphany as I was about to leave, she finally said it might open in a few minutes. Not to worry, I could go to the local CD shop to pass time time. That was still annoying as my plan was shoes, then CD, then milkshake (an escalation of fun and intensity) but it wasn’t the end of the world.

In the music store, would you believe they didn’t seem to have the latest Metallica album?? Holy moly. One of the biggest albums of the year? Holy moly. Again. When I asked the shopkeeper about it, she said she was out of stock. She seemed a bit apologetic about it, so I felt like reassuring her and saying ‘apparently the album isn’t that good anyway’, but I left it. Instead I got an album by Powerwolf. When I got home I would find it’s a power metal band. Exactly what I thought. You can often tell the genres of bands by their names, if it’s cheesy and aggressive at the same time, chances are you are dealing with a power metal group. I also got an album by Pale Waves. Never heard of them, but I was hoping they were indie (again I was right, but maybe I fluked that). I’ll check them out later!

Then, shock horror, I found the shoe shop was open! Praise the lord and the semi bothered neighbouring staff. I really couldn’t care less how fancy the shoes on offer were, as my only intention was to wear them out as well, so I got a cheap if ugly pair of shoes for £25. Bargain. In a cruel twist of fate, I would find that the shoe bag I was given was coloured black and yellow - the same colour as the latest Metallica album. Just remember - if it just FEELS like bags are mocking you and your lack of Metallica, that’s schizotypal personality disorder. But if you BELIEVE bags are mocking you? That’s schizophrenia and you need help. :) Sadly there were no milkshakes in the local cafe just like last time, but I still feel it’s important to keep the dream alive. You need hope. Instead I got a fruit based drink. Does fruit have caffeine in it? Obviously no, but I did check anyway.

Other than the tasty chocolate chip cookie, that was basically the trip out, although I did come across green traffic lights as I was about to leave the car park. That pretty much never happens for me, instead I have to wait a good few minutes for that super colour. So yeah, I didn’t get ripped off, I got my new if boring looking trainers, I didn’t get poisoned, etc. on the whole not bad! Let’s put Pale Waves on now… Do I like it? First impressions? No. Not to worry, I only paid £4 for it, let’s check out the cheese fest that will be Powerwolf… Is that good? To my surprise it’s actually alright. I read that it’s good music to party to, but I imagine they would be exceptionally silly parties where everyone dresses up as Hobbits/wizards. If that’s what you’re into who am I to judge, but at least do/supply some normal things. I really like cake. And with icing on top? Mm-hmm. :) That’s it, bye!

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