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  • deftonesaresuper

New Tyre! (Blog 450)

One of my car tyres was worn out, so I planned on getting a new one. It was a simple plan, so I could act on it immediately. The first thing I was asked at the tyre place was ‘Are you Harry?’ As you know, I’m Simon. Every single letter was wrong BUT the number of letters was correct. I mark the company 10 out of 100. A clear fail, but there is at least some potential! When I told them my name, they said a guy called Harry recently phoned them up. Ah. In that case, you can ignore my marks. I sincerely apologise. The second thing I noticed was a grumpy looking guy who maybe was the boss, who just stared at the employees in silence. I did however, see him talk later on, he even laughed which surprised me. But in a good way.

When I showed a worker my wheel, he sounded alarmed but I think he was trying to scare me. I can’t work out why that would be, but mental health nurses have done the same kind of thing. The tyre visit was on another sunny day, so I needed to protect the back of my neck and my nose. Not too much of a problem, as when I waited around for the repairs, the walls of tyres provided pretty good shade! The whole tyre changing business took maybe half an hour or so, which wasn’t too bad, I’m just saying F1 drivers get their wheels changed in seconds. Imagine how good it would be if formula 1 worked for the place I went to! Maybe some customers would be suspicious of the apparently rushed job and would be rather fearful their new wheel would just fall off, but with just a little professional advertising and a few 5 star ratings from customers, I think business would boom.

Before my car was completely ready, I was told to pay £100. Whether that’s because that was how much the service genuinely cost or the staff just prefer super round numbers, I don’t know. I have to admit I’m at least a little suspicious, as it doesn’t get much rounder than £100, does it? This is taking things further, but if you paid exactly £1,234,567.89 for something you surely would think something funny was going on. I didn’t have any cash on me, just a credit card, so I was driven to the nearest card machine. Well, actually there was another one about 50 metres closer, but I give the driver a 95% score for efficiency. On the journey it was really me who got top marks however, as I flawlessly answered questions such as ‘where do you go for your MOT’ and ‘where do you live.’ Fantastic! When back at the tyre place, I asked if my car was ready. However, by mistake I didn’t ask a member of staff, but a confused customer. Whoops. Making things worse, I thought I recognised the person from a few minutes ago. :S I clearly didn’t.

Oh, I should really point out that I didn’t just pay for a new tyre, but I think wheel realignment as well. I’m just saying I said everything cost £100 and how suspicious that was, so you may have been thinking ‘No, a tyre shouldn’t cost that much’. To be clear, I wasn’t ripped off by someone with apparent OCD (probably), I got an extra service! I don’t know how fast F1 people can realign wheels, I’m assuming it takes more than a few seconds. It might not though, so I do think my idea I recently discussed has promise. Finally, I’m sure I’m not as happy as the person I paid, but you know what? I did find withdrawing such a round number of cash to be quite satisfying. Certainly not a highlight of my life, imagine if it was, wow, but yeah, it was ok! And on that dumb note… bye!

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