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  • deftonesaresuper

Random Lockdown Stuff (Blog 190)

Needless to say, these are troubling times. There is almost nothing to do, and it’s very easy to fill the void by gorging on Toblerones or indeed and kinds of chocolate. ‘But that only happened to Alan Partridge in a sitcom.’ No, it HAS happened to me before, and there’s a real possibility it could happen again. Temptations are everywhere. ‘Are you being serious?’ I sure am. When first diagnosed with schizophrenia, I went mental on the stuff. Interestingly that was roughly at the same period the comedy series first aired, and like any right minded individual I thought there were some genuine connections at the time. But now I know it was a coincidence, and that’s the main thing. I nearly said to one of my friends how weird it was something on TV was based on me, but thankfully, I left it.

Again, because of the medication I’m on, I had to have another routine blood test. But there has never been a better time to wear a bit of cloth over a puncture wound than now. I'm sure people naturally assumed I had a test because I was infected. Very funny. I should have made the most of the situation by sneezing on passers by but I left it. Still, there’s always next time. Over the past few days I’ve also been writing my Eurovision superblog. ‘But the show has been cancelled’. Doesn’t matter. I found the entrants on Youtube to think deeply about in my own time and best of all, I had complete control over who I made win. Will I be taken seriously by anyone involved with the event? Well maybe not after my Partridge anecdotes. Never mind.

I’ve previously written about writing album reviews for, but I’ve never been asked to prepare band interview questions for the site. I offered to do so once, but wasn’t allowed because my questions kind of made fun of the group. I thought I was being funny, but that wasn’t the point. But now I’ve turned over a new leaf. Thank God the band I wrote my questions for this time also got a pretty good album score from me. If I gave a poor critique, things could have been awkward. On another note, like everyone else, I’ve had plenty of time to diagnose myself with various mental disorders, online. But who cares about the common ones, right? Here’s my favourite diagnosis: ‘Cafephobia’. (Fear of coffee). Again, I’m being deadly serious. I have nightmares about the drink, I can’t stop thinking about it when I’m in Starbucks, asking for a hot chocolate, etc. Sounds like a real phobia, to me.

Finally and on a darker note, I got one of those spam emails trying to threaten me out of money. Remember the good old days when spam tried to get your credit card details by saying you’ve been donated millions of pounds by a kind aristocrat, usually from a very poor country? One that really could benefit from more wise gifts? If you fell for it and lost your money, it didn’t really matter because you kind of saw the funny side. I miss those days. Like everyone I’m certain, I also miss the days where I could do things. Ahhh, things. Good times. And that’s all from me! Bye e e e e e e eee!

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