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  • deftonesaresuper

Techno Pain/Mobile Whizz! (Blog 449)

Hello. Long story short, I didn’t top up my phone for over 6 months, my phone number was therefore cancelled and I ended up having to pay the price both financially and mentally. Mostly mentally. At first I was feeling at least slightly hopeful. I had my fingers crossed the over-the-phone staff members of my mobile phone company that is Samsung would find my forgetfulness and negligence amusing in a lighthearted and charming way (actually things are little darker) and I would have my phone number reactivated, and that would be that. Nope. The call was a complete disaster as half the stuff he said either didn’t make sense to me or seemed excessively complicated, with the downloading of apps and all that (not going to happen) so I got tired and suggested I get help from a local phone shop. It was agreed that that made sense, so I later went to a shop in Staines.

In the shop things were going well for a while, especially when the guy suggested I could keep my old number at least, but as time went on, things got worse and worse, and it became apparent that something wasn’t quite right. It was suggested I revisit the shop with someone who DID know what he was talking about, but that was too embarrassing for me, so I thought I’d phone my brother for advice instead. He suggested I phone EE. When I did so, again it was going SO well for a while and I was feeling very hopeful things would be sorted out. The guy on the phone asked when the last time I updated my phone was. I said ‘2 or 3 months, maybe’ and the guy said that should be ok. However, as things went on, things got a little more disturbing, both for my phone and my mental health. Actually, I last updated in September. That was a long time ago wasn’t it? I was well off. Sadly that meant my phone number was long gone, and I’d need a new SIM card AND phone number! :S

Wow. Telling everyone and everything my new number would be a pain. I have to be honest, I was not happy. Techno pain doesn’t describe the situation well enough, it was more like ‘techno aaaaargggh!!!! Arrrgh!!! Argh!!!!!!!!’ I could have made that the blog title, but I thought it could alienate some readers. :( A couple of hours or so after the call, the torment faded somewhat and I accepted my situation. I left for Staines the following day, I entered the shop relatively free from pain, but still rather grumpy and explained my problem to a new member of staff. I was grateful for the change, as the old guy may have got annoyed with me when he found I brought no one with me. I’d feel despair, so would he. Anyway, I got my new card and number very easily! However, I had to top up my phone again, which annoyed me as I actually topped my phone up the day before. When I told the member of staff that, he said as the top up was associated with a discontinued number, it wouldn’t be transferred to my new one!

On the plus side though, things weren’t looking TOO bad! I celebrated with some special fried rice I bought in the town. I actually purchased a milkshake after my first visit, but as I was so frustrated I didn’t enjoy it! Anyway, when I got home after the more fruitful visit, I phoned Amazon to tell them of the number change. It took flipping ages, but the staff were more than helpful so when the call was over I gave them several five star ratings and a comment simply saying ‘:O’. They earned it! I tried calling my dentist as well, but I phoned the wrong number and got hung up after a few seconds. He didn’t see the funny side of my foolishness. Maybe he subconsciously knew something a little darker was going on, maybe it was clear. In the end though, I did phone the right number! Great stuff, another successful day! Byeee!

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