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Ultimate Facebook Contest Post 2 (Blog 188, Super Blog 9)

You may have remembered all the way back in Blog 113, (stalker much? :P) I wrote about the 15 comedy contests I ran on Facebook. Well now it’s time to write about the latest 15, hopefully in a more neat and tidy manner. (If you check out my old blog, you’ll see it has a large section with no new paragraphs. I don’t want to go into the details, but that was and wasn’t my fault. I could have made amends, but my computer was really testing my patience, so I thought ‘screw it’). Anyway, I’ve posted some pretty funny things in my contests that I never shared on Wiedemann Comedy, so let’s get them published, here! Oh yes, and if you read a comment in brackets, ending with ’SFTF’, that means ‘Simon From The Future’. As in a comment I made just now, that never existed all that time ago. Let’s go! Oh yes, and contests alternate between stand-up based ones, and sketch ones. Let’s go!

Comedy Contest 16 Comments… (And scores).

5th place

Aiden Mungai

Of course people say bags full of money are bombs. That’s because they want others to leave them alone and they want them for themselves! This video is both funny and a very handy lesson. (In hindsight, I don’t EXACTLY know what that comment means, but I do have a rough idea. If you follow the link and watch the video, I’m sure it would make complete sense - SFTF).

Funniness: 3.5

Charisma: 3.5

Originality: 3.5

Structure: 4

Overall: 3.625


James Dale

I’ve never seen a comedian ask his audience why his jokes are funny, before. It seems we have an innovator. (At least I understood that - SFTF).

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 3.75

Originality: 3.75

Structure: 3.5

Overall: 3.6875


Heath F N Scadden

You tell lots of white lies? Well, I was thinking of giving you all 5s as a white lie. Just to be consistent. Then I considered it cheating. :( (I actually came across as a bit harsh on that comment. Whoops. Not my intention - SFTF).

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 3.5

Originality: 3.5

Structure: 4

Overall: 3.6875


Jonathan Chang (no permission) (‘No permission’? I can’t remember why I wrote that. Maybe because I used his video without his consent? Whoops. Secondly, I really shouldn’t have published that comment. :S - SFTF).

An interesting point: If a white man drives a fancy car people assume he worked for it. Unless you’re talking about me, in which case people would assume I stole it. No only joking.

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 3.75

Originality: 3.75

Structure: 3.75

Overall: 3.75


Joel Murugiah

You know what? Jesus IS nifty. I’ve never heard him called that before, but hey, we have another innovator. (I had to modify that comment just now to make it make sense, but I got there in the end - SFTF).

Funniness: 3.5

Charisma: 4

Originality: 4

Structure: 4

Overall: 3.875

Next contest! Will it be any better??…

Comedy Contest 17


Morgan William Comedy

That poor dog must have been confused out of its mind when it was made to point at its owner, whilst the owner told him not too. (Yes, yes, yes, that comment could do with some clarification… - SFTF). Good luck training your dog in the future, because it won’t have a clue what you want it to do. :P

Originality: 3.5/5

Acting: 2.5/5

Funniness: 3/5

Production: 2.5/5

Effort: 3/5

Overall: 2.9/5


Natho Ninja Adventures - best ninja warrior comedy page trailer

That laugh at the start… It sounds like it’s from Beavis/Butthead. B and B going ninja? Why not, it works…

Originality: 3.5

Acting: 3.25

Funniness: 3.25

Production: 3.5

Effort: 3.5

Overall: 3.4


Steve 5

Why is this man glued to the wall? That could explain why his material was so out there. I’d go crazy too if I was in such a position long enough…

Originality: 3.5

Acting: 4

Funniness: 4

Production: 2.5

Effort: 3.5

Overall: 3.5


Triple Deadly

Making tea scary and hilarious at the same time. Most people think it’s just a drink!

Originality: 4

Acting: 4.25

Funniness: 4.5

Production: 3.75

Effort: 3.75

Overall: 4.05


Jerrold Benfold

A little on the short side, but short and sweet. Well not SWEET, but you know what I mean.

Originality: 4

Acting: 4

Funniness: 4.75

Production: 3.75

Effort: 3.75

Overall: 4.05


Cap Coffin

Yeah, so, I don’t actually know what this video is about. Fortunately for Cap Coffin, making sense isn’t a criteria for my marking system. Can YOU work out what the video means? I challenge you…

Originality: 4

Acting: 3.75

Funniness: 4.25

Production: 4.25

Effort: 4.25

Overall: 4.1



Ok, this technically got the same score as the crazy Amish sketch, but this one actually made sense, so it takes the lead.

Originality: 4.25

Acting: 4.25

Funniness: 4

Production: 4

Effort: 4

Overall: 4.1


Contest 18


Ashley Tomlinson

A little on the short side, but I always like hearing about crazy people. You should watch a GG Allin interview. Very interesting. (No, don’t do that - SFTF).

Funniness: 3.5

Charisma: 3.5

Originality: 3.5

Structure: 3

Overall: 3.375


Monica Rosenfeld

You may think a simple lock is the best investment you’ll ever make, for me I’m very happy with Mac computer. I’ve had it for 10 years and had no problems with it! I can surf the internet, do work, basically do whatever I want. But locks are good too, I guess. It’s the little things, isn’t it?

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 3.75

Originality: 3.75

Structure: 3.75

Overall: 3.75


David Thomson

A great story teller! The stories you tell are a little weird, maybe, but very funny!

Funniness: 4

Charisma: 3.75

Originality: 3.5

Structure: 3.75

Overall: 3.75


Mandy Whittles

Don’t worry, I’m kind of dead inside too. Zombie uprising! (I said that in the heat of the moment. I didn’t actually want that to happen - SFTF). Anyway, a good routine!

Funniness: 4

Charisma: 3.75

Originality: 3.75

Structure: 3.75

Overall: 3.8125


Warrick Sutton

Like a joke blitz! This man’s a joke machine!

Funniness: 4.25

Charisma: 3.75

Originality: 3.75

Structure: 3.75

Overall: 3.875


Catherine Molloy

Perhaps the most confident and natural comedian (or comedienne) of the month. You were basically assisting an offender, but in this whacky world of comedy, that doesn’t matter.

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 4.25

Originality: 4

Structure: 4

Overall: 4


Contest 19


Steve 5

7th place is still rather amusing, it’s just a great month. Here domestic violence isn’t as funny as some guy getting mugged (read on), but both concepts are entertaining. Wait that didn’t sound good. Fortunately I don’t find either forms of violence funny in real life settings so maybe it doesn’t matter. (As always, clarification is essential).

Originality: 3.5/5

Acting: 4/5

Funniness: 3.5/5

Production: 2.75/5

Effort: 2.75/5

Overall: 3.3/5



Maybe more of a drama than a comedy, but well acted. The main character did laugh though, so it’s kind of a grey area, I think.

Originality: 3

Acting: 4.25

Funniness: 3

Production: 3.25

Effort: 3.5

Overall: 3.4


UTubeSensations Kids

I don’t mean to promote violence again, but why not just slap the librarian? I hate evil librarians. They’re killing the industry.

Originality: 3.25

Acting: 4

Funniness: 3.25

Production: 3.75

Effort: 3.75

Overall: 3.6



Yes, the video that is funnier than domestic violence. We’re entering above 4 territory, here. Great stuff.

Originality: 4

Acting: 4.25

Funniness: 4.25

Production: 3.75

Effort: 4

Overall: 4.05



What is it with me and liking violence? Here we have a video of some guy getting hit in the face over and over. My high scoring suggests I need therapy. :(

Originality: 4

Acting: 4.25

Funniness: 4.25

Production: 3.75

Effort: 4

Overall: 4.05


Jerrold Benford

Lots of respect to the actor for keeping a straight face. Surely it must have been hard for him not to laugh even if he did write his own material. There’s nothing wrong with that.

Originality: 4

Acting: 4.25

Funniness: 4.25

Production: 4

Effort: 4

Overall: 4.1


Matt Jones

Ohhh, this is a very high scorer. Lots and lots of effort went into the this one, and it kicks bum. Prepare to get blogged about!

Originality: 4.25

Acting: 4.5

Funniness: 4.5

Production: 4.75

Effort: 4.75

Overall: 4.55

For the mathematics fanatics out there, that was five competitions un-obscurified. So here’s a breather in the form of a funny anecdote!… Oh wait, I don’t have one. Next contest, then!

Contest 20


Bryan Mackenzie

You’re a very normal white guy? Check out Peter, he has a very normal name! You’ll get along great.

Funniness: 3.75/5

Charisma: 3.5/5

Originality: 3.5/5

Structure: 3.75/5

Overall: 3.625/5


Peter Quill AKA Peter Nguyen

A good routine, but it could do with more originality. But look on the bright side, it’s more original than your name! (As hinted at earlier). Watch the video if you don’t know what I’m going on about.

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 3.5

Originality: 3.5

Structure: 4

Overall: 3.6875


Deanna Lydia

A comedienne who is borderline in 3rd place. What a coincidence! ‘What is?’ Again, watch the video.

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 3.5

Originality: 3.75

Structure: 3.75

Overall: 3.6875


Sassy Stacey

An epic 12 minuter! Very confident too! Call the police, we have a double threat! (‘Call the police’? That’s ridiculous! Unless you know a policeman personally, and want to show him a funny video in his own private time. Not so ridiculous, then - SFTF).

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 4

Originality: 3.5

Structure: 4

Overall: 3.8125


Peter Murphy

In first place we have something a little intense. Especially if you’re autistic and take everything literally.

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 4

Originality: 3.85

Structure: 3.85

Overall: 3.8625

Wait, I’ve thought of a funny anecdote! No, it’s gone, sorry…


Contest 21


Steve 5

Kind of unadventurous camera work, but I’m sure the most attention will go to Steve’s trademark outrageous dialogue. So who cares? (I stopped sharing the videos, here. Was there a reason for that? No. SFTF).

Originality: 3.75/5

Acting: 4/5

Funniness: 3.75/5

Production: 2.75/5

Effort: 2.75/5

Overall: 3.4/5


Ben Kirby

Very funny faces! However, it was a little bit weird the way the soundtrack was so family friendly, yet you swore at a guy on a phone, but it’s certainly a new take on the ‘Mr. Bean’ style of humour.

Originality: 3.5

Acting: 3.75

Funniness: 3.5

Production: 3.75

Effort: 3.75

Overall: 3.65


Troy Jenkins

Hard to judge the acting on this one as I couldn’t see the actor, just a load of pictures, but very good!

Originality: 3.75

Acting: 3.5

Funniness: 4.25

Production: 3.5

Effort: 3.5

Overall: 3.7


LIT Laughs

Yet another very funny and original video, even though the jokes were stolen! (The comedian was supposed to use stolen jokes; I should have that pointed out. I kinda made him look like a fraud :S - SFTF). How does that even work? :O

Originality: 4

Acting: 4.25

Funniness: 4.25

Production: 3.75

Effort: 3.75

Overall: 4



Ohhh, in a world first, you nearly won for a second time! I don’t know much about physics, but couldn’t the universe end if something like that happened? (I later found out, no. - SFTF). For this month at least, no one will ever know. :S (Again, I know it couldn’t; don’t worry - SFTF).

Originality: 4.25

Acting: 4

Funniness: 4

Production: 4

Effort: 4

Overall: 4.05


Greg Shapiro

Oh my God the European National Anthem that was I guess ‘sung’ at the end was great. Call me immature, but I kind of thought that was funnier than the much deeper political commentary. A very good video all round, other than the fact this kind of satire is quite common.

Originality: 3.75

Acting: 4.25

Funniness: 4.25

Production: 4.25

Effort: 4.25

Overall: 4.15

Here’s the anecdote! It’s not great, but it IS something: When my hair grows longer into a large messy mop, I’m prone to bad hair days. But what can be done? Use a comb? Ha! Been there, done that, it doesn’t work. However, after scraping my hair in all directions to no avail and after a bit of experimentation, I’ve found something that does: Simple water. When things go wrong, just dampen the offending area and it should be sorted out for the rest of the day. Of course, hair gel companies will be furious at me for sharing such a valuable secret, but you can call me the Robin Hood of hair. A real working man’s hero, saving you money. Of course it’s hard to face the fact that wild and free-haired people like you and me have been exploited, so all I can say is ‘move on’.


Comedy Contest 22


Cara Adams

Interestingly there is a mix of typical humour and serious sharing of emotions, here. (You’re going to have to take my word for that - SFTF). I want to be a crazy OAP too! Now I don’t feel so alone.

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 4

Originality: 3.75

Structure: 3.75

Overall: 3.8125


Tom Picello

Maybe you could walk around the stage instead of wobbling about a bit as it’s a bit more standard. But it’s nice you put energy into your performance.

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 3.75

Originality: 4

Structure: 3.75

Overall: 3.8125


Joel Smith-Rainey

You’d think someone who openly admits running people over would have been arrested by now. Here we have not only a talented comic, but an all round genius.

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 3.75

Originality: 4

Structure: 3.85

Overall: 3.8375


Paul Canavan

I’ve heard of people shitting bricks, but not a whole brick wall. Stop joking about serious medical conditions and see someone.

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 3.75

Originality: 4

Structure: 4

Overall: 3.875


Ange Pange

A confident 10 and a half minute epic! Prepare to receive your special thumbs up!

Funniness: 4

Charisma: 4

Originality: 4

Structure: 4

Overall: 4


Contest 23


Steve 5

Get someone to do some more interesting camera shots! Maybe you could do some badass gangster poses, do some sexy pouts for the female viewers, etc.

Originality: 3.5

Acting: 3.5

Funniness: 3.5

Production: 2

Effort: 3

Overall: 3.1



Is this video supposed to be one person talking to herself, or is it supposed to (look to the viewer like it’s - SFTF)… two different people? I assumed it was the latter until the actor said her blanket was more green than blue. Nope, it is blue. This person is clearly crazy. (Yep, I screwed that comment up, making it hard to understand. Let’s try again… You know when… No, wait… You see… No. Ok, right, basically even though there was one actor, she made it look like there was two. But I suggested there was one, talking to herself, making her look schizo. Capiche? - SFTF).

Originality: 3.75

Acting: 4

Funniness: 4

Production: 3.5

Effort: 3.5

Overall: 3.75



An 80s metal song with a unique lyrical twist. Just what the music scene needs. You could call it twist and shout music! (Well you could do that. Wouldn’t be cool, though. SFTF).

Originality: 3.75

Acting (Singing): 4

Funniness: 4

Production: 4

Effort: 4

Overall: 3.95


The Uncle Louis Variety Show

To be honest I don’t know what Italian people do and don’t say, but I’ll take your word for it, as you come across as very professional with the flawless accents and all.

Originality: 3.75

Acting: 4.5

Funniness: 4.5

Production: 3.5

Effort: 4

Overall: 4.05


Idaho Boys

Don’t let that bad man take over your farm! Be careful though, anyone who can smell poverty is clearly highly intelligent. Maybe use some Lynx to cover it up, far from expensive. Oh yeah, it’s just a sketch. The acting just pulled me in. :P

Originality: 4

Acting: 4.25

Funniness: 4.25

Production: 4

Effort: 4

Overall: 4.1


Contest 24


Shane Lockwood

You shouldn’t really look at your notes when performing, so I had to detract points from… well not charisma… Maybe funniness? Really I should give you extra originality points for doing that, but I decided that’s not fair for the others. Anyway, a strong performance. This competition is extremely close!

Funniness: 3.5/5

Charisma: 3.75/5

Originality: 3.75/5

Structure: 3.5/5

Overall: 3.625/5


Ellen Mahoney

I had to add just a tiny amount of originality points for this performance. (Why? Who knows? - SFTF)

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 3.75

Originality: 3.8

Structure: 3.5

Overall: 3.7


Kaley W Chu

Is you laughing a lot a kind of charisma? Well it certainly makes you fun to watch, I guess. What I do know is this is close competition… again. Hard to mark! Perfectly reasonable in all areas.

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 3.85

Originality: 3.75

Structure: 3.5

Overall: 3.7125


Geoff Kwitko - give him a link when posted (Whoops, I forgot to delete that comment, too - SFTF).

A ten minute routine with no notes? Pretty impressive. I once forgot my credit card pin code and I use it all the time. You find it difficult being positive you say? Well not any more after reading my motivational comment I’m sure!

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 3.85

Originality: 3.75

Structure: 4

Overall: 3.8375


Sam Clarke

Excellent charisma points for a cold blooded murderer! If you don’t think that makes sense, check out Sam’s video! (Oh I didn’t post it, AGAIN. You can find it on the School of Hard Knock Knocks Facebook page, though. That’s not so bad, right? - SFTF).

Funniness: 4

Charisma: 4.25

Originality: 3.75

Structure: 3.5

Overall: 3.875


Contest 25


Steve 5

Funny lyrics and a pretty soulful voice, too! Not exactly perfect, but that only adds to the character. Again however, the production could have been better…

Originality: 3.75/5

Acting: 4/5

Funniness: 4/5

Production: 2/5

Effort: 3/5

Overall: 3.35/5



My only video I’ve ever shared featuring a helicopter, I think. (Though another did use a spaceship). The effort and production is very admirable, here!

Originality: 4

Acting: 4

Funniness: 3.75

Production: 4

Effort: 4

Overall: 3.95


The Uncle Louie Variety Show

Kind of similar to your ‘Things Italians Never Say’, but not in an annoying way. Just in a way that gives you a slightly lower score. :P

Originality: 3.5

Acting: 4.25

Funniness: 4.5

Production: 4

Effort: 3.75

Overall: 4


Ultra-laid-back news reporting is a funny idea, and this material is very well produced… But is it as funny as slipping on dog poo?…

Originality: 3.75

Acting: 3.75

Funniness: 3.75

Production: 4.5

Effort: 4.5

Overall: 4.05


LIT Laughs

No! LIT Laughs takes the lead by the narrowest of margins! Excellent stuff, here!

Originality: 4

Acting: 4.5

Funniness: 4.5

Production: 3.75

Effort: 3.75

Overall: 4.1

Time for another breather!! I heard on Youtube a couple of songs I really liked, so I had to get the full album off Amazon. Oh my God, a box-set of three releases by the band were selling for under £10! I had to get it. However, when I received it, not only did I find I didn’t like the two albums I never heard, I also realised I didn’t really like the one I listened to on Youtube. That was annoying. I mean the CDs are ALRIGHT, but kind of disappointing. Never mind, after visiting a charity shop, I did manage to find RATM’s debut album in good quality. I’ve had that one for years, but unfortunately the version I had was made of ultra-tacky cardboard, to ‘save the planet’ or whatever. To be honest, I considered it a bit of an embarrassment to my collection, and now it sits in the naughty corner of my room. >:(

Back to business!

Contest 26


Jonathan Hadweh

How dare you say ANYTHING bad about Dominoes. Damn crazy person wasting my time. No only joking. BTW, this contest is SO close.

Funniness: 3.5/5

Charisma: 3.75/5

Originality: 3.75/5

Structure: 3.75/5

Overall: 3.6875/5


Ganesh Vengadasalam

You say you hate people and still get laughs? Not easy to pull off!

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 3.75

Originality: 3.75

Structure: 3.75

Overall: 3.75


Samantha Serna

Obviously Australians know what Australians think of Australia. (Hopefully - SFTF) But do they know what Latinos think of the country? They think it’s pretty wacky, as Samantha shows!

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 3.75

Originality: 3.75

Structure: 3.85

Overall: 3.775


Alastair Tooth

Again, this is a very close contest, but Alastair’s funny voice gives him the edge.

Funniness: 3.85

Charisma: 3.75

Originality: 3.75

Structure: 3.75

Overall: 3.775


Chris CZ

Wise and funny at the same time! We have a winner!

Funniness: 3.85

Charisma: 3.85

Originality: 3.75

Structure: 3.75

Overall: 3.8


Comedy Contest 27


Steve 5

Big eyes (funny) + Funny dance (also funny) = Amazing. (People often ask what the secret of comedy is, and basically that’s it. Don’t tell anyone, though… - SFTF).

Originality: 3.5

Acting: 4

Funniness: 4.25

Production: 2.5

Effort: 2.5

Overall: 3.35/5



How many ways can you say ‘oooooh!’ Turns out, quite a lot. Impressive.

Originality: 3.75

Acting: 4

Funniness: 3.75

Production: 4

Effort: 4

Overall: 3.9


Reckless Behaviour

Why do you suck at the game? It’s because you’re randomly mashing buttons together! You’re going to give the basketball players an epileptic fit!

Originality: 4

Acting: 4

Funniness: 4

Production: 3.75

Effort: 3.75

Overall: 3.9


Skit Bros

What would Steve 5 be like with better production techniques? Maybe something like this…

Originality: 4

Acting: 4

Funniness: 4.25

Production: 3.75

Effort: 3.75

Overall: 3.95


Bad Medicine

An excellent video about cookies. There’s some subtle humour I didn’t even notice at first. Holding a cookie like a cigarette? Hm! It works! (I was being cheerful in that comment, but deep down I was scared of the world coming to its doom. As explained a while ago, you never really know if making someone a double winner will end everything, do you? Thank the lord, it doesn’t - SFTF).

Originality: 4.25

Acting: 4.5

Funniness: 4.5

Production: 4.25

Effort: 4.5

Overall: 4.4


Comedy Contest 28


Brad Carrigan

I’m not sure everything you said was funny, some of it was just upsetting, but still pretty good.

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 4

Originality: 3.75

Structure: 4

Overall: 3.875


Tim King

Not the king, but pretty close. (Please forgive me for the cheesy joke. You were close, though, that’s the thing).

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 4

Originality: 3.75

Structure: 4

Overall: 3.875


Eddie Duffield

The third person in third. That doesn’t sound right. Catchy, though. Yep he couldn’t quite come second, despite his damn fine pesto anecdotes. Tough month!

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 4

Originality: 3.75

Structure: 4

Overall: 3.875


Jason Clarke

Ohhhh, looking at your notes. I had to detract points for that. But from what? Let’s say ‘structure’. Try harder next time!

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 4.25

Originality: 3.75

Structure: 3.7

Overall: 3.8625


Yvonne Collier

A dilligent and dillightful performer. Choosing you as winner was no dillemma. :D (I can’t remember what that comment means. Something to do with ‘Dill’. You had to watch the video, I guess - SFTF).

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 4.25

Originality: 3.75

Structure: 4

Overall: 3.9375


Comedy Contest 29


James Russell

A bit slow to get going but the face at 1:18 was absolutely outstanding.

Originality: 3.5

Acting: 3.5

Funniness: 3.5

Production: 3.5

Effort: 3.5

Overall: 3.5


Cash Wallwork

My brother drives a BMW. So does my dad. -_- …. … :P (The video was mocking people with BMWs - SFTF).

Originality: 3.75

Acting: 3.75

Funniness: 3.75

Production: 3.75

Effort: 3.75

Overall: 3.75


Steve 5

See what the extra effort does? You get a very respectable third! (Second and first were very good).

Originality: 3.75

Acting: 4

Funniness: 3.75

Production: 3.75

Effort: 3.75

Overall: 3.8



If your other new year’s resolution was to make a video that would come in 2nd place, you’ve achieved your goal! But seek therapy. :P

Originality: 3.75

Acting: 4

Funniness: 4

Production: 3.75

Effort: 4

Overall: 3.9


Bad Medicine

You’ve done it! You’re the only act that has won twice! And the world hasn’t ended! There goes that theory! (Oh my mistake. You know when I was talking about the world ending, earlier? I meant to write that about this video. Could happen to anyone - SFTF).

Originality: 4.25

Acting: 4.5

Funniness: 4.5

Production: 4.25

Effort: 4.5

Overall: 4.4

The final ’Next’!

Contest 30


Natasha Baines

A comedy routine delivered well, but it’s lacking in originality, a little. I hate to say this, but maybe you should be a bit more whacky (as in criminal) like some of the past comedians were.

Funniness: 3.75/5

Charisma: 3.75/5

Originality: 3.5/5

Structure: 3.85/5

Overall: 3.7125/5


Matt Vella

Someone who teases Malta. A Malteaser.

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 3.85

Originality: 3.5

Structure: 3.75

Overall: 3.7125


Troy Boy Fisher

Thank God you didn’t win, because if you did and I blogged about you, I’d get demonetised.

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 3.85

Originality: 3.75

Structure: 3.75

Overall: 3.775


Krutika Harale keep updated (Forgot to delete the comment again - SFTF).

Super crowd-engaging confidence, here.

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 3.95

Originality: 3.75

Structure: 3.75

Overall: 3.8


Michael Zoupa

A more interesting delivery, here. But setting houses on fire? No! You still won, though.

Funniness: 3.75

Charisma: 3.95

Originality: 3.95

Structure: 3.75

Overall: 3.85

Ok, you know about who won the contests, but who was the best entry overall? Let’s find out!

15th: Chris CZ, 3.8

14th: Michael Zoupa, 3.85

13th: Peter Murphy, 3.8625

11th: Sam Clarke, 3.875

11th: Joel Murugiah, 3.875

10th: Yvonne Collier, 3.9375

8th: Catherine Molloy, 4

8th: Ange Pange, 4

5th: TwizzFizz, 4.1

5th: Idaho Boys 4.1

5th: LIT Laughs 4.1

4th: Greg Shapiro, 4.15

2nd: Bad Medicine, 4.4

2nd: Bad Medicine 4.4 (Again).

1st: Matt Jones, 4.55

Ok, let’s have a look at the 19th contest winner, here, for old time’s sake…

However, don’t get too excited, Matt; you didn’t manage to beat all-time record holder Ian Brown and his score of 4.7! Will it ever be beaten? Who knows?? Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!

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