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  • deftonesaresuper

Whipsnade Zoo the Trilogy: A World of Exploration and NO Precipitation! (430)

Yesterday I went to a zoo with my dad and my brother’s family! One of the first things we all saw were the fish. Some fish interestingly had eyes, but they were blind. Why? Because their natural habitat is the deep sea with no light and therefore they usually wouldn’t be able to see anything. Use it or lose it and all that. Fish with eyes but can’t see? We seem to be kindred spirits. Later on in the day, I saw a young boy all alone, jabbing a tree with a stick, someone who I also consider a kindred spirit. However, what makes us different is the fact he’ll likely someday grow out of the behaviour. Soon after that, we saw the sheep and goats. There was a sign saying ‘don’t touch the animals, it may make them sick.’ THEY’LL get sick? The feeling is mutual! It’s like the time I found out cockroaches find people disgusting all over again. YOU’RE disgusting!

For whatever reason, there was a bell like instrument in the children’s play area. I played the Rugrats theme, but did anyone recognise it? I’m assuming no. My oldest niece is taking music for her GCSEs in a couple of years and needs grade 3 piano to pass. Is the Rugrats theme grade 3 level? If so, no need for a teacher I can very easily share my musical wisdom. It’s not so hard really, all you need is a bit of practice, a bit of discipline. Sadly however, I don’t think it’s even grade 1 level. Having studied the instrument for a bit, I’m assuming my niece is now better than me at piano overall, but I can play the C major scale very, very quickly. All you need is one finger and you just slide it up and down the keyboard. That’s one of my musical secrets I’ve just shared, don’t tell anyone! :O You want to know how to play the F# major pentatonic scale just as fast? No! I will never tell! (Ok, ok, just play the black keys! ;)) Sadly my oldest niece wasn’t at the zoo, but next time I see her I will show her the theme and two tips ASAP. Hopefully that won’t be perceived as weird.

Next up came the zoo train! We had to book tickets for the thing before travelling and the prices for adults and children were different. I was a special case because I am an adult but have the mind of a child, proven when I bought some ice cream as we all waited for the train to leave. Apparently that didn’t make a difference and the price didn’t change. When the train finally left we could all see the rhinos and elephants! Sounds interesting, but they were basically standing still. Very exotic, though. When the train journey was finally over, we arrived at the station we left which took me by surprise as I thought the journey was fairly straight. Nope, we went in a circle. Later on in the day, my dad pointed out how ‘the zoo shuts at 4pm.’ Nope, another lie, that’s the time people are no longer allowed into the attraction. I pointed that out, and my dad couldn’t win the argument so he said nothing.

After that, there was a lot of walking around in the direction of the cafe, but by the time we got there it was closed. At least we passed lots of cool and foreign animals on the way? Not really, but we DID pass some nice scenery at very least, and we also saw a strange rabbit like creature no one recognised. Not as exotic as a penguin, but more mysterious. For whatever reason, we didn’t see the penguins this time like we did last year. Not to worry, we saw a more mysterious rabbit, so… there you go. Lots more rambling followed with no real creatures of interest, but we did eventually reach a gift shop where I bought some wine gums. Not exactly a good substitute for a meal, but it would have to do. I offered everyone a sweet and I got some thanks yous. A bit strange as I didn’t pay for them, my dad did.

That was the day neatly summarised, but sadly I found no appropriate time to show everyone the Gutalax band. :( There are few situations in life you can, really. With all the poo and all. It’s also worth pointing out how every few minutes the sun came in and went out again, meaning I had to repeatedly get out my hood then put it down. Luckily however… no rain, hence the catchy blog title! Why didn’t I mention the butterfly room we all went to earlier? Just a mistake, no offence to the butterflies, they weren’t boring or anything. :) If you’re into chronological order like I am, I saw them after the fish! You know my favourite order though? Alphabetical! Oh yes and at the time of buying the ice cream, I also bought a sugar free Sprite thinking it was regular Sprite. Couldn’t taste the difference! Great stuff, great day, bye!

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